Monsoon Mountains Tea Company?
The company looks really intriguing and I’m thinking about placing an order with Rebecca sometime soon. I love Ceylons but don’t really know too much about them, so I would love some suggestions on what to buy.
I see that they offer sampler packs, but I’ve never been one for samplers because I’m always paranoid that I’m going to instantly fall in love all with all of the teas and only have enough for like one more cup, haha.
So to anyone who has ordered from them before, any suggestions as to what I should try? The only criterion I can think of is that I don’t like teas that are too “mellow”. I like my Ceylons to be mild but still have some discernible flavors to them.
Thanks! :)
i have ordered from Rebecca- and she is wonderful to work with. Her teas are outstanding, and will give you a fresh look on what REAL Ceylon tastes like – you may be amazed!
Her sample packs are very generous – 20 gr. each, so more than enough for various cups/teapot.
I ordered various OP Ceylons, low-grown, med-grown and high-grown, so that I could try and taste the differences..
i really, really like the Pedro estate FBOP, Holyrood Pekoe, and the Inverness OP. You could try BOP for an stronger cup.
Complemantary, I received a 20 gr. sample of a Lumbine Single estate White golden tip Ceylon; very rare (and very, very expensive) and it’s Heaven in a cup.
i would def. give it a go. I will place another with her soon. I am sure you won’t be disappointed.
I agree with Sandra, Rebecca is a charm! She is a very caring individual and will help you select the right tea (not just try and sell as much or as pricey as she can).
Definitely give her a go!
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