Yerba mate extract

Just got done enjoying my yerba mate extract for the day.I so enjoy it hot or cold.Because i am drinking the extract i am actually eating my tea!!! Any other yerba fans out there? I also drink my matcha this way twice a day .

18 Replies
Cofftea said

I enjoy unroasted mate blended w/ green tea, but I never consume any tea in extract form. If I want to consume the entire leaf, I go for matcha or another powdered tea. I’m trying green oolong and gen mai cha for the 1st time today. White and black ground teas are next on my list.

Why is that i am very interested to know !!!

Cofftea said

Because it tastes good.

I ment why do you not consume any tea in extract form.

Cofftea said

I just see no point.

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You should try one of our flavored yerba mate blends: Malted Chocomate (roasted mate) or You Put The… (lime in the coconut) with green mate.

Okay. I’ve made my lame attempt at spam for the day. I feel like I’ve been more productive now.

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I need to do another roasted mate blend soon. I’m kind of thinking it would be interesting to blend roasted mate and puerh with something.

Cofftea said

Roasted Marshmellow Mate?

pu-erh with jasmine is awsome,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so is Pu-erh with rose petals i love it !!!

Maybe I should make a chai mate.

-Jessica- said

Whoa! Roasted Marshmellow Mate WITH that graham cracker taste to it somewhere…maybe add in some honeybush?!

OR just make a honeybush blend for S’mores?!!? That would be an AWESOME fall tea…hint, hint Frank! hehe

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I have had….2 kinds of chai,mango,chocolate,matichineo,carmel and orange and they were all very good !!!

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not to keen on the roasted as it takes away from the vitamin content !!

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Lori said

How does the extract work? Is this some sort of powder? The Roasted Marshmallow Mate w/chocolate sounds good….

Cofftea said

Well if you’re gonna add chocolate ya gotta add graham crackers for a s’more!:)

Cofftea said

I’ve never seen an extract that wasn’t in liquid form… doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist though.

Lori said

Got it. Come to think of it- a colleague at work would drink this green tea extract…… Yes a Smores mate does sound good…

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distinctly tea in waterloo and stratford ………………carry the powdered extract for Yerba ……………………..i drink it all the time .

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