Tea and books go together so well for me, rainy day or not. I don’t have a specific tea or type that I gravitate towards when I’m reading.
I totally have tea and books rain or no rain also, but somehow I like it best when it rains :-)
Feeling like it will never rain here again…
Seems like we haven’t had a nice rain all summer, it’s either scorching hot or it thunderstorming with 100km/hr winds, POURING rain, and a little hail.
Would LOVE an afternoon of gentle rain to curl up with a book and some tea.
I truly hope you get some rain Dex…gentle rain is the best….
Ask and ye shall receive – it’s cloudy with showers today – should have whined about it sooner. :))
Hehe! Should have posted this before then :-) happy you got what you asked for!
Hmmm, I am not sure I have a favorite rainy day tea…I should sit down and try to come up with one on the next rainy day.
I absolutely love rain (and it is not just because rain brings mushrooms…really, I swear!) it just makes me feel good, even on days when I get all creaky and achy I don’t care, I am still happy because it is raining! The only kind of weather that beats my love of rain is thunderstorms and snow!
Usually I get really crafty on rainy days, though I do tend (especially in late summer and autumn)snuggle up with tea and a good book.
I also have a fountain (ok it is the filter for my cat’s watering hole) that sounds like rain in my room. It is very relaxing
Lol, amanda, rain does bring lots of mushrooms here too!
It takes so much rain for there to be mushrooms where I currently live, but out on the east coast and in the mountains, it seemed that the tiniest drizzle had them popping up all over the place! It was so awesome.
I LOVE tea and books together! Especially on a rainy or snowy day. If I could, I would not leave the house the entire winter and just drink tea and read books all day.
I like to make a pot of oolong for afternoon reading and white tea for night reading :)
I’m totally with you mj, let’s hibernate with tons of books and tea!!
I would love that…if I only I could find a way to fund my tea habit without going to work lol
Me too!!!! However the other people in this house seem to think they need to eat a couple of times a day and go to school/work so reading and drinking tea all day is only a figment of my imagination!
But don’t they realize that your name is *Book*er! Doesn’t that earn you some reprieve from the responsibilities of daily life!?!?!? :p
I like black tea for rainy days, and historical fiction for reading.
Is there any other combination that goes better? Only some baking thrown in there could possibly improve the situation.
Mmm, baking smell and rainy days :-)
An oven is a good way to warm up?
I like rain and books and sheng! But I agree with Cheri. I’m into the tea and books with or without rain!
You sure you like Sheng darling? It isn’t clear to me…. ;-)
I like reading with tea during many kinds of weather – sun, rain, especially snow. Greens and cold rooibos for sunny, clear weather. Dark oolongs and black teas for precipitation. Book + Chinese black tea + snow = ultimate comfort.
I agree, I love snowy days too, makes the reading and tea drinking so cozy!!
I read day/night/sun/rain/snow,etc. I drink lots of different teas but I always seem to have a book on my lap when drinking tea.
Agree, tea and reading at any times…but to me, it just seems even better during bad weather :-)
Tea and books always work. I love them with rain as well. It’s just that we never get any of that here anymore.
Oh my, of course for you it must be a rarity!
Priss, hopefully that will change!
We’ve gotten a few really nice rains in the last couple of weeks, thus saving my garden, because I’ve been way too busy to tend it properly.
Tea & books are a natural, with or without rain. I’d really like to have it rain all day tomorrow, cuz it’s gonna be PJ day, & there is nothing better than pjs, tea, rain, & a book. I’m currently reading “Dr. Sleep”, by Stephen King. It’s the long awaited sequel to “The Shining”.
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