I’m not big on collections. I figure if it doesn’t get used it’s just wasted money and wasted space. I do; however, want to some day be able to afford a complete ceremonial matcha set.
Pots, apparently. It’s not an active collection where I will buy any pot I can get my hands on, but I do like getting a new pot. It sort of snuck up on me. I had one that I don’t use much (it’s too big) and then I bought a smaller one that fit. And then they just started sneaking into my flat. A full count now comes to fourteen. Ten in use, one ugly clear plastic one for the rare flowering tea, one only for decoration, and two retired now for decoration.
Also, tins. 100g size, but I tend to only get tins if I need a tin or if I see a really cute one that isn’t too expensive. These days my tea stock is much more controlled than it was when I bought the majority of my tins, so a new tin is a very rare occurrence these days.
I’d like to go to every country that tea is grown and get something unique to tea drinking in that country.
My late mother-in-law started me on tea cup collecting. I have about 43 different cups and one day, the good lord willing, when my daughter gets engaged I will give her a bridal tea party shower. I know she wants one. And one day when I die she will get the cups too, cause I know she will respect them.
How cool that you shared that with your mother-in-law. It’s often shared in biological families, but how blessed you are to share that with her. A lot of people can’t stand their in-laws.
She was a lovely lady. I am glad she didn’t live to see her son and I split up. Oh well I rule he drools
It would appear (based on my tea cupboard) that I collect tea samples. Seriously, this is out of hand. If I listed all my tea samples I’d have over a hundred. Some I absolutely need to get rid of because I won’t drink them (Adagio flavored teas) and yet they are neatly packed in a box waiting for me to do something.
Yesterday, I ordered more tea samples. What will I do? Perhaps I need to offer them on the forum, but I fear that people will just try to swap with me and then my problem will not be solved.
Other than that, I don’t have a collection. In my fantasies I collect beautiful Yixing pots. In my reality my husband is not amused at the idea of more stuff. So no collecting.
If you need to rehome your samples, I’d be willing to take some. I always buy tea for the 1st time in samples.
I do and I would very much appreciate being able to send you some.
My email addy is in my profile. E-mail me and I’ll give you my address. Also, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, a list of what you have would be nice. I don’t want you sending me a tea I’d just rehome, but I’m pretty open.
Great! Sounds good. It may take me until next weekend to get my list together. (It is NaNoWriMo and I should be writing the novel instead of avoiding it by posting here or writing lists of tea samples.)
Take your time. While I’m very greatful and will not only drink, but enjoy the teas you send me- I think if I don’t drink some up before yours get here, my mom may shoot me. Or at least kick me and my tea stash out cuz her house can’t hold anymore LOL.
Ditto what Cofftea said – if there are any samples needing a new home that she doesn’t want, I’d be happy to take some in.
Me too! I’m late to the party, I know, but if there’s anything left and you’re willing to ship this far, I’ll happily take some. :)
Ladies and gents just to interject; I do think samplers should send SASE to Carolyn for her samples. Stamps and envelopes do cost. Aren’t I the bossy lady.
That is a very kind thought, Linda. However, at this stage of my life time is worth more than money to me and dealing with SASEs and estimating weight appropriate and samples that are size appropriate would require more time than simply mailing things out. So no need for SASEs.
As mentioned, organizing this will have to wait until next weekend.
I will let you know if/when I have tea of my own I want to rehome though. :)
Starbucks mugs. I know it’s coffee mugs, but I use them for tea.
I love the size of those things, because I don’t have to refill all the time.
I also collect everything that comes in handy when preparing tea,
like thermometer, teatimer, teaeggs and instant adjustable waterheater.
My biggets obsession is finding a good storageplace to my tea, and more mugs.
I have a drawer in my kitchen devoted to this lovely beverage. Tomorrow I will have to add another drawer, really. But when it comes to drinking my teas it is in an old fashioned mug (have 11 of those too). The pretty tea cups are just too pretty!!!
I feel the same way about teacups. They are just too pretty :)
Too pretty? Life is too short to not use your fines things. Take a lesson from the Greeks, the quality/good of life can be measured in how many dishes you break.:)
It wasn’t meant like that :)
I have seen some very beautifull teacups with flowers and fish painted on them. But as everything here in life, people like and dislike somethings.
For me, a simple mug represent a spartan lifestyle that I want to have.
well I am not into spartan and I don’t begrudge those who would use the teacups but for me they are for show (too small for a good ole cuppa anyhow). They help decorate my home and they also help define me. But despite this my home is not cluttered at all, just pretty.
I do paper crafting (cut-and-glue stress therapy) and I have made myself more note cards with tea-ish themes than I could possibly send in a year.
On second thought, I realized that what I do collect that is tea related (aside from tea samples) are books on tea. Though I don’t think of the books as a collection, per se.
Our books are piled on shelves in every room of the house and in corners on the floor and in boxes in my husband’s closet. We call this mess of books our “library” and talk a great deal about how many books need to be gotten rid of so that we can buy more. My tea books blend in with all the other books, so I don’t think of them as a distinct collection. However, if there is anything I collect that inspires me in a tea-related way, it is the books.
THAT’S what I need to get into. Unfortunately it’ll need to be cheap used ones from Amazon or something.
Now that’s one thing I don’t have—books on tea or tea related subjects. I’m into mysteries, will have to find a good sleuth who drinks tea and eats scones, yumo
On my To-Read list is the Laura Childs series of tea-related mysteries. You might like them.
Thank you, I will look into her books.
The Tea Shop mysteries are definitely no-brainers; the plot is secondary to what’s brewing and on the table, but that’s absolutely OK with me! I read cozies more for the setting and subplots anyway.
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