My new website!
Hello all!
I am excited to introduce my new tea review website. I am very interested in getting to know your thoughts and opinions and what I can do to make it more interactive. For example, should I add a comment section where viewers can interact? I am trying to make this site to the best and most educational to my ability. Please, please, please let me know what you think.
Thank you in advance for your comments and time1:))
-Steeping in Creativi-tea
Very nice website! Looks clean and it’s easy to find things.
I’d like to see one thing though: A leaf-to-cup graphic showing the steps from tree to black/green leaf etc., to further illustrate where and when there are differences in the process (shaped like a horizontal family tree)
Maybe make your rating system out of 10 instead of 5, so it can offer more depth. That’s very nitpicky of me though, it really doesn’t matter, beautiful website!
You posted the same thing last week.
I think that the website design is to complicated for a tea review website. It seems more like a tea store than a review blog. Its not nearly as easily navigated as a traditional blog. I want to go to the link and just start scrolling and reading the newest posts, not have to click reviews and then click each product review separately.
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