Free shipping? For realz?! ;-)

86 Replies

Also, I’ve decided to let my true character shine through my company. Expect funny newsletters and tons of puns. Also, here is a photo to brighten your day:

yyz said

Makes me think of a up north co-worker of mine who required silent contemplation and coffee before addressing anyone for the day. Luckily her and I used to wake up first and we would make coffee, maybe listen to CBC and watch the mist rise off the lake for a good hour to 45 min before anyone else ventured in. She moved in with a good friend after the first summer and moved out after a semester to save her friendship. They had completely different morning personalities!

Haha I know some people like that :)

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boychik said

I really like the idea of free ship. Now I don’t have to think what to order to make free ship. Awesome! I can order more often! Now give me CA!

Hehehe, all the free shipping! All the CA! :D

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People, don’t forget Snaily Yums and Elder Grove!

I think I might be the unofficial Elder Grove cheerleader.

Frolic select said

That reminds me I have a sample of Elder Grove I haven’t tried yet.

All of the WP teas have cheerleaders I think :)

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I’m in for:
The Jabberwocky
Cocoa Amore
Elder Grove

Much success! :)

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Uniquity said

Okay, I’ll bite. What’s the damage to Canada under the new possibly permanent policy? Can’t access the site on my phone very well.

Unfortunately I would go out of business if I dropped Canadian prices any more :/ Canadian shipping is $10 up to $75 and then free.

So its not just my phone:(

Follow me so I can message you please :)

Sil select said

no love for the canucks around here…though at least 10$ isn’t a major bank breaker

Oh I still lose quite a bit even with $10. Also, I love the hell out of you guys :)

Uniquity said

You’ll lose a bit with free to the US too. Postage is brutal but free shipping to US and regular to Canada always makes me feel like a middle child (“that’s not fair!”) I know you’re doing what’s best for the company and the bulk of the customer base though and that is what counts.

Sil select said

random other question – will you be bringing back gingersnap?

My Canadian shipping and US shipping both lose me nearly the same now, with Canadian shipping slightly moreso. :/

A 13oz package in the US costs about $3.50 for me. A 13oz package to Canada costs around $14-$15.

Honestly I wish I could drop Canadian shipping more but it’s definitely not possible with the current USPS prices. :(

Sil, no, I do not plan on bringing Gingersnap back. Always available as special order though! :)

Sil select said

aw.. that was one of the few i was able to try from you that i really loved. I’ll have to see about a special order at some point. :)

Special orders are really super easy. Minimum of 4oz, no extra fees or anything. I just give you a dropdown on this page and you’d be ready to go :)

Sil select said

appreciate the info. :) i will store that in my little head

Hehe :) Just send me a message if you want to do that!

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I want Rivendell and Second Breakfast, but I can’t order anything more than a sample now. If you have this in a few months, I’ll order then.

I should still have the free shipping as well as those teas :)

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vc said

Sometimes I wish I live in the states :(

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HURRRRRR I’m in for Ailaoshan Black, Jabberwocky and Golden Orchid.

I totally don’t need more tea and got a crazy tea blogger tea stash backlog, but I haven’t tried many of your teas.

Ohhh yay! :D Thanks for the order! :)

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beelicious said

darn you!!! I was on a tea buying hiatus, completely intent on drinking though my stash and being a good girl… and then I ran out of Cocoa Amore :( … and it took a few days, but I had finally convinced myself that I could live without it for a couple of months… then you went and did this… well played sir!! Order placed!

Hehehe, it happens :)

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