Marco Polo TTB - Done!

94 Replies

Wow….just wow! The box arrived safe and sound! I will probably only have it a couple days at the most.

I love how everyone has this same reaction when they receive the box. lol

No tasting notes yet? :(

I have a few reviews from other companies I need to finish first, I should have the first tasting note from the box up on Monday :)

Unless I write a bunch of short tasting notes and then edit them when I make a full blog review of the teas. It is a break from my normal pattern, but I might make an exception with this box :) Since you are the person who organized this awesome tea box, do you have a preference?

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NayLynn please make sure Amanda has your address.

I have it :) Luckily messages seem to be working so I will be good to go next time the post is open!


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Don’t forget! If you buy anything you tried in the TTB, let the company know this is where you found out about it! :)

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The box is on its way to NayLynn. My scale weighed it at 5lb 2oz

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Uniquity said

This box is flying. Any that is going to be a massive amount of tea at the end. WOW!

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On that note, while we do want everyone to have an opportunity to taste plenty of teas, let’s try not to let the weight of the box get out of hand so it doesn’t become a cost burden with the shipping. It’s gonna be a bit of a balancing act! Don’t go under, but don’t go too far over either. Kind of like The Price is Right. lol

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NayLynn said

Polo! The box found me today:)


any updates?

NayLynn said

Almost done and plan on sending it tomorrow.

NayLynn said

My kitchen scale says it is still 5lbs 2oz. I sent the box off today and sent kimquat the tracking number. It was fun trying the teas, I did not even make a dent-so many teas!

Glad you had fun!

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Kimquat, did you get it?

kimquat said

It’s out for delivery today! I expect it will be here in the next few hours. :D


kimquat said

The box did arrive today! I’m sipping some Laoshan Genmaicha right now. (: There is SO much tea here. I don’t even know how it all fit in the box. Who packed this, Mary Poppins?!

Uniquity said

Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha? I have GOT to bring that to work. MMMM.

Awesome! I look forward to your tasting notes :)

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Kimquat, any update on when the box will be going out?

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Everyone, please make sure that you’re following me so that I can send you a message if I need to.

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