What's in your pu?

So I was reading this topic:


And this line jumped out at me:
you can brush off any mold / bugs / etc.

What have you found in your pu? Did it gross you out? I am a little apprehensive now!

84 Replies

I’ve never seen anything gross in my puerh.

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I’ve found plastic, pebbles, metal, strings and hair. seems like I’ve found a feather once too in a puerh brick i’m can’t remember.none of it really grossed me out tho lots of things can end up in there sometimes.

looseTman said

Which brand(s) / supplier(s)?

i’ve found lots of these things in many puerhs from more thanone supplier/brand, I honestly can’t remember the specifics.

I do remember that I found a whole kernel of dried corn in a puerh from Yunnan Sourcing, it was scary at first cuz it looked like a tooth lol
Wanna see it? here it is :)

Yeah, that does look like a tooth.

boychik said

Did it have special corny taste?

haha, i hope so, i wont know for a long time tho cuz i’m saving that one for a while :)

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Riimu said

Bit off the topic but, I found a dead snail (only the shell), in my herbal tea package yesterday.

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apt said

all I got was hair once. I’m pretty sure that Hobbes (http://half-dipper.blogspot.com) found bug eggs once.


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Oh my gosh, all of this is terrible and freaks me out. Is pu-erh different from other teas because it has to age? This is why I’ve always been wary of having pu-erh around, because I’m worried I won’t store it properly or something. I’ve never found anything in pu-erh yet…

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cookies said

This is completely freaking me out. Just when I was starting to get interested in pu-erh too.

Don’t be freaked out about it tho, Really it rarely happens and when it does it is just things that can happen in places where they make puerh,like a bird flying overheard and a feather falling, or a small pebble being accidentally kicked into a pile, or a piece of plastic blowing across a yard ending up in a batch. It could happen anywhere really.
I would only be scared and freaked out if it were something nasty like a cigarette butt or a tooth or something crazy like that.

Or a finger!

cookies said

Thomas – I guess I’ll give it a try anyway. A bit of plastic or pebbles wouldn’t scare me too much. I’m mostly terrified of finding bugs or eggs.

Marzipan – I would have a heart attack if I found a human body part.

cookies-keep in mind that anything you find in puerh you can find in food and worse. At least you can see it in tea. In pasta and cereal you won’t be able to see all the bugs that make it into the final product. When I took a food sanitation course there was a book of what was allowable in each food item. We are talking rat bones (hotdogs) & hairs (chocoate) to spiders (anything harvested really). There is one spice that was allowed to be up to 33% of bug parts.

too right

Mandy said

Yeah, chocolate is allowed 1 rodent hair and 90 big particles per 100g according to FDA regulations. Gross to think about.

cookies said

Yes, but most of that stuff is heavily processed. There’s not much of a difference between carmine and bug parts in your Fig Newtons. But finding viable eggs/live bugs in pu-erh… shudder.

mrmopar said

Good producers usually have good control over finished products. Shou in particular may have more than sheng. I usually only get the bigger factory stuff in the line of shou. Sheng is usually hand sorted before final drying and steaming to press the cake. I have never had issues with any of the suppliers that are on this site.

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I found a red piece of hair compressed into mine just this weekend. D:

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Man, I don’t want this to put me off puerh! Wah!

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Since we are on the topic, has anyone ever found mold or fungus? I’m a severe asthmatic and have been wary of trying pu-erh.

apt said

yeah, if traditionally stored puerh is done the wrong way it can be moldy…. try some dry stored puerh instead (generally considered to be better anyways)

apt said

sadly the only dry-stored puerh I’ve had is no longer available (RIP Origin Tea, you were the best)

I have come across some bad mold on a few puerhs :(

tperez said

In general its not something you should have to worry about, so long as you avoid anything described as “traditional storage” or things like that

mrmopar said

Good storage will usually not have these attributes. Humidity and temperature control are critical to good storage as is a little airflow.

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I kinda think of it a Lucky when i find something not gross in my puerhs, Like hey this is a lucky pebble now since it found it’s way all the way from china to my house :)

i used to have a little bowl that i would keep all those odd things in but it spilled and i lost some of them lol that was an unlucky day lol

tperez said

Right? I have a little collection bowl too lol

I think I might have to start one if I find anything cool like a lucky rock. Maybe put it in one of those mini bottles used for pendants and wear it :P

right on!

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