Having a cup of Maple Pecan Oolong, courtesy of Mandy!
At first I wasn’t super impressed with it, but it’s a whole other animal once I add vanilla soy milk. It’s like drinking nougat, yum!
Delicious nutty maple nougat! :D
Thanks, now I want nougat.
Cute! I love all of your tea pets. :D
Awww! That is awesome!! Did you post it for the contest?
I didn’t post it for the contest, Just Happy Birthday for Stacy :)
Oh i see now, Well maybe i did accidentally post it to the contest too, I did put it on the FB and it is birthday and tea related, Perhaps it will make Stacy smile today :)
Me too, I just emailed her a funny picture this morning to make her smile :-)
Cameron B, Lance got most of those little teapets for me at the Gem and Mineral show for My Birthday this year so I figured they were good for birthday celebrations ;)
I loves toads and frogs, the little tiger/dog thing in the middle changes colors to gold when ya pour hot water on him, He is neat :)
Tommy: that is really gorgeous. Your whole set up is amazing and the note was super sweet!!!
What a great set-up Tommy! Lance did a great job on the tea pets – CUTE!!
Just tried Red Queen Cupcake! Overall, quite good, but I am glad I didn’t order it over other things I wanted to try. Mostly strawberry for me, with chocolate and espresso accents. :)
Yeah, I got it free with my order when it first came out. I’m glad I got to try it, but for something that’s berry and chocolate, I like raspberry truffle better.
It tastes like those strawberry hard candies in the strawberry-printed wrapper to me. With a little bit of chocolate and espresso at the end. Good, but not amazing for me. Thanks for the sample! :D
I got a sample of this before it was released. I thought it was quite espresso. It also might just be because I really miss coffee (I can’t drink it anymore because it tears up my stomach something fierce) and that’s what I wanted it to be. It also might be because it was before it was released and she was still tweaking the tea.
I managed to get in a couple cups of Spring Twist this morning. She’s a gentle lady, fresh like a spring rain. My first experience with her.
My boyfriends parents are coming into town tonight for the weekend, and got a family suite in one of the theme park resorts, so I’m currently stuck in the tourist traffic, with no a/c and it’s about to down pour. As soon as it starts, the traffic is going to become dead stop, which should be fun. I keep looking at my bag I packed of teas and a tea pot and wishing I had some hot water.
I can’t wait to get checked into the hotel so I can enjoy some Raspberry Truffle.
A d it’s now pouring. You would think that at least the Floridians would be more skilled at driving in mini hurricane type weather since it’s a daily accurance, but nope. Sunshine state, ha. I enjoy storms when I’m not trying to drive somewhere.
That is a glorious green tea :)
That whole sunshine state thing is a total lie. I hope you’re not in Orlando…
I live in east Orlando xD. I grew up with in Florida so I’m used to the rain but I find it funny that were the sunshine state when if it’s not dark and stormy, there’s at least a sun shower daily during the summer.
It’s mostly sunny (though there tends to lots of fog) here, I’m in the Golden State.
Definitely wins my vote for Best Chocolate Tea Ever! I’m so glad I ordered some! It’s like chocolate oranges. :D
What is the third friend?
Caramel Vanilla Assam is steeping in my mug! ^^
I just cruised to the kitchen to make some raspberry truffle because I was absolutely sure I still had some at work, but I am out. Sad times for me :(
Checked in to the hotel, and made a cup of Raspberry Truffle. The first cup I didn’t see a microwave so I used water from the mini coffee maker. The water was too cold and resulted in a weak flavor. Second cup, I saw the microwave, and the resulting cup was much better. Chocolatey and raspberry yum.
Yo Fairy. What should I have first? And Happy Birthday again Stacy
Sorry, something came up, I’m back, yo!!!
Want to try lychee oolong?
I just finished brewing the OB I will move to the lychee when it’s done
And welcome back
Thank you bella :-) first time you have this ob right?
Yes! And it’s really nice! I’m looking forward to the lychee
Are you planning on having four season oolong tonight? Cause that must be gongfu…must!
Yum! I gotta decide what I am going to make. I’m a little behind b/c I am shenging.
Oooh…I should try ob next!
Haha! Well I’m still on 2003 reserve four season…we should use new reply everytime no? Makes it easier to follow one another…
I had mexican food tonight and gelato – I moght need to wait for a more clear palate for the four season
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