My cupboard is not even a tiny bit up to date
sarsy, This is funniest thing I’ve heard like EVER!!!!!
Hello sweetie is my favorite! I bought a full pound a bit ago
Mine cupboard is also not up to date – I’m very afraid to do that… I like living in denial….
mine is so out of date its crazy
Lord…a pound??? You hear that tommy? That’s a shitload of toenails!!!
TTF – Here’s how good Hello Sweetie is: It makes me physically ill (my stomach can’t handle most black teas) and I still want to drink.
I bet she could make a custom non-black version for you!
I liked Hello Sweetie too, which is shocking because I’ve never had a banana-flavored anything I’ve liked that wasn’t an actual banana
Me too. Denial is my thing.
Pffft Foxy :p
Mine actually is pretty up to date. But keep in mind that I’m still pretty new, so there is quite a bit that I bought too much of b/c I thought I would love it, but now I don’t. I’ll probably sell/give some of that away, really
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