Black coffee in the morning. Tea throughout the day. Sometimes coffee to get me through the night finishing writing a paper. INTJ. Cats; cola drinks of any type do not pass my lips; morning person.
I drink more tea now, but I used to be really into coffee. So, I’m both.
I’ve always been a tea person. Love cats and love books. Tea, cats & books just seem to go together. At least in my mind.
ISTJ but not strongly any of the characteristics. Tea, Coke, cats. Love the smell of good coffee, but can’t drink it. Blech. The only time I’ve ever been able to drink it was from QuikTrip and it was their “cappucino” with cream, chocolate and raspberry. So basically hot chocolate. :)
ENTJ and I am a total coffee hater. I don’t even like chocolates with coffee filling or coffee ice cream. Tea only for me! Also, dogs, coke, night owl :)
Thanks for the input, guys. I really think coffee and tea preference are much like everything else in the long run, simply a preference – though there appears to be a higher number of introverts in this thread so far, or at least people who identify as introverts if accuracy of personality indicators are anything to go on. I doubt I would say that introverts are more likely to drink tea than extraverts, when it could just be that more introverts see tea discussion as stimulating compared to the average tea drinking extravert. Who knows?
But I’m not a scientist. I just drink tea and think too much.
Anyway, I’m an INTP who sometimes refuses to accept the P aspect. I like my coffee black, but it doesn’t usually agree with me. Tea is much more agreeable, so I have to say I’ve spent much more money on it, especially in the past two months.
I also like cats, and I’m a sleep person. I don’t care what time of day it is. If I can sleep, then I normally will.
tea is a form of meditation. that might explain the introversion.
I find it easier to interact freely with people on the internet than in person. Could be a factor.
INTJ. I like both coffee and tea, though living in Australia has turned me into a coffee snob*. Not really a tea snob.
My husband prefers coffee, though he will drink tea if I make it for him.
*only on bean quality. I still like it with sugar (preferably flavored), and the floofy drinks like a latte or flat white (my personal go-to).
ISTP I love both coffee and tea. I also use pre-workouts in the morning for a pick up. My wife is a coffee drinker. She has herbal tea in the winter usually, but she has coffee erday allday.
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