Rookie Steepster at work... Please Help!! :)
Hey Guys,
Seeing as Quantiteas is new to Steepster, we were hoping people could shed some light on a few problems we are having…
1. We want to reply in a recent discussion and for what ever reason, we are unable to do so. How can we send responses within a discussion? (we tried replying at the bottom of the comments and after “uploading” the post simply never appears.)
2. We have a great selection of tea that we want to share with our fellow Steepsters! How can we create teas for others to view, purchase, and ultimately share notes about their awesomeness?
3. We have a great idea of how to provide Steepsters with an opportunity to design their own blends of tea from a wide selection of ingredients. We would love your input on how can we make this a user-friendly experience for both ourselves and consumers.
Please help out a rookie Steepster!! :)
Thank you.
So you’re a new company?
The description in #3 sounds like Adagio custom blends…
I would post in the Steepster talk category for Jason about the issue with responding to threads. The only time I’ve seen that happen is sometimes if there isn’t a reply in the thread already by the original poster (as in initial post, followed by a second by the same person), sometimes people can’t respond to the thread. Doesn’t always happen though.
To add teas to the database, you can enter the tea name or company name in the “search for teas to write about” box and when your new tea isn’t found, you can add it to the database. I believe it is generally frowned upon to include links to your purchase site in these descriptions, as well as frowned upon for vendors to rate their own teas. Reviewing them to describe them or talk about a new tea they are offering is okay (at least to most people, I think), but not rating them.
If you want to have links on your tea pages for people to be able to buy the tea when they are here on Steepster, that is something else you need to ask Jason about. :)
Have you tried again? The site just bugs sometimes. Also, are you using computer or mobile device? I know i really have a hard time posting replies with my phone most of the time.
Sometimes when you click the post button it doesn’t do anything, if you wait a bit and click it again it will work. I think it might be because some background process is resolving.
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