Woo Hoo! I got my box of goodies today and here is what I got…
1. Cran-Apple Flavored Black Tea
2. Peaches & Cream x’s 2
3. Grapefruit Flavored Black x’s 2
4. Key Lime Cheesecake
5. Lime Flavored Black
6. Candied Apple Flavored Black
7. Banana Cheesecake Flavored Black
8. Spiced Orange Flavored Black
9. Spiced Lemon Flavored Black
10. Chocolate Strawberry Flavored Black
11. Strawberry Honey Flavored Black
12. Chocolate Raisin – 52Teas
13. Key Lime Flavored Black
14. Tutti Fruiti Flavored Black
15. Cran-Orange Flavored Black
16. Cran-Cherry Flavored Black
17. Cran-Raspberry Flavored Black
18. Cran-Blackberry Flavored Black
Can’t wait to dive in. Thanks again Frank for the fantastic deal!
You got TWO duplicates? Frank is not on his game.:( I think he better take a few days off after posting this week’s tea of the week!
I think you are right…poor guy is working to hard. Two great promos in a row and still having to come up with a new tea a week must be taking it’s toll. I know, maybe he needs an assistant that works for tea. Hmmm, I think I would volunteer. Hehe
No, I’m the one that’s been out of work for 2 1/2 years. lol. Hmmm… then I could blend that Dirty Tortuga Chai myself… hmmm… :)
Alright you win but tell you what send me free tea and you have a deal. Oh wait, maybe we should talk to Frank about this before we start the hiring process.
Haha you’re getting free tea anyway- I’m sharing “my” box with you.:) Nah, I think we should just show up at his door, resume in hand. Can you pick me up on your way? Need a live in baby sitter? I can watch your daughter while you work if you watch my dog:)
You wanna know the real funny part Rachel? I’m dead serious:)
Problem is I can’t live in Kansas too far from family.
Wow. Just wow.
Interestingly enough, my newest helper got a full time day job and she is not here today (so I am behind on everything). But paying in tea is about the best I can offer right now and not many hours, so I’m afraid you would have to be crazy—in which case you would fit right in here at Zoomdweebie’s. New Tea of the Week is posted, but I forgot to select/announce a winner from last week’s contest. UGH. I AM off my game.
Mmmm… Your box sounds yum! Specifically all the Cran-_____ teas, the Spiced teas, Grapefruit, Strawberry Honey, and Peaches & Cream.
ONLY ONE BOX LEFT! It’s going to be mostly unflavored single estate teas. Get it while you can!
MINE (thanks to Rachel!) came! Gonna use single letter/number abbreviations.
Strawberry honey black- z
honey lemon green- z
jasmine green- z
guava green- z
Long Jing- z
apple green- z
brandied apricot green- z
decaf english breakfast- z
maple blueberry black- z
lemon green- z
candied apple black- z
Pai Mu Tan- z
EG green- z
spiced orange black- z
banana cheesecake black- z
mango green- z
Darjeeling- z
peaches and cream black- z
cran-grape- z
ti kwan yin supreme- z
fruit cocktail- 52teas
This was a VERY generous gift so I’m not going to complain, but I’m a bit disappointed only 1 wasn’t a zoomdweebies tea. But no duplicates is good! And I’m only anticipating not liking 7 of them. Not bad. Thanks again Rachel!
Yay! So happy to see it arrived and you are very welcome. Looks like you got a great spread. Can’t wait to start reading your reviews. :-)
I’m too lazy to write out all the teas I got, so I took a photo:
Apparently HTML doesn’t work in the forums, so here’s a link: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs281.snc4/40391_419629128646_511938646_4792167_4071940_n.jpg
Unfortunately, the words are too small for you to read so I will have to go back and type it up at some point. Le sigh. Either way, I was super super excited to receive the box and dig through it!
yay! i just picked up the last box! I cannot wait to see what I get :) I’ve been back and fourth with buying this for the past few days- finally decided to buy it!
Congrats, Lissa – it’s a lot of fun opening the box and seeing what goodies are inside!
Welcome to the club…love the box! :-)
Yeah the box is so fun!!!!
thanks all! was wondering what is the shipping like for them? Fast? ( i am an impatient buyer when it comes to tea :) )
Um… I’d say more unpredictable and surprising=D. My orders range from 4 days (only once) to 3 weeks (twice). Once I even got a 1st ordered package before the soonest. This box took 9 days.
Comes fast for me…maybe about 3 days. It’s awesome :-)
hmm, thanks for letting me know. I guess it all matters where its being shipped to. I can’t wait to get it!
I’m also where the 1st TTB got lost so I swear I’m in a weird Postal Service vortex.
haha! maybe you are! which is sad when it means you are missing out on getting tea on time
And even more sad when it compeletely disappears for others!
hey all! Just thought I would update you and let you know that I received my package on Saturday! However, i’ve been in New York all weekend, so I didn’t get to unpack it until last night. It was so much fun opening the box and seeing what teas Frank put into the box. I will have to go through my box and post up here what all came in the box.
Last night I steeped up his Tutti Frutti Black Tea, to share with my mom, let’s just say, I really didn’t want to share the tea after tasting it! It tasted so delicious and was my first taste of 52 teas/Zoomdweebies/Franks Blending of teas( i know, i know, how embarrassing on my part]
“I really didn’t want to share the tea after tasting it!” HAHA! Yes. I am very glad my fave is permanent collection- but there are some (the matchas) I pretty much refuse to share hehe. Good thing my mom doesn’t like either one.
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