Final Zoomdweebie's CLEARANCE!

122 Replies

This was a fun package to receive, Frank… I’d be up for buying yet another one, if I was confident that I wouldn’t get duplicates. :)

If you post what you got, I think I could send you another one with no duplicates.

Cofftea said

What a guy Frank! Whatdya get?!:)

coolness… here goes:

Chocolate Cheesecake Chai (decaf)
Fruit Cocktail Green
Orange Green
Tutti Frutti Black (rec’d 2 of this one)
Lime Black
Praline Black
Key Lime Black
Watermelon Black
Grapefruit Black
Honey Black
Pecan Black
lemon black
pumpkin black
apple pie black
licorice black
spearmint black
guava black
pineapple black
champagne black
apple black

OK… I really, REALLY, really shouldn’t have… but I just bought another box. Frank… I hope you’ll not duplicate for me. :)

shaking head I can’t believe I caved AGAIN.

Cofftea said

Choc. Cheesecake Chai comes in decaf? cool beans. Unfortunately I couldn’t get much of either flavor out of even the regular and the one decaf chai I had was a massive disappointment. I will be eagerly waiting your tasting note on that one especially.

Cofftea said

But you’re splitting at least the 1st box so it’s not that bad… is it? lol. W/ all this massive cavage by everyone I’m seeing a lot of “PLEASE HELP! I have too much tea!” posts in the steepster forums’ future:)

I will split both boxes as TeaEqualsBliss IS my sororiTEA Sister. :)

The decaf cheesecake chai was the one I was most disappointed in receiving, because I sort of have a built-in dislike for decaf. I have tried some that are decent… but, I had a couple of really bad decaf teas so when I see “decaf” my immediate response is to recoil.

Cofftea said

Yeah we need to get out of that habit cuz I’m sure we are both self sabatoging ourselves. My experience was UTI’s Decaf Chai Agni. Which, knowing me, I should have LOVED… but I’m very picky about my flavored teas (the base has GOT to be evident) and it just tasted like spicy water.

I’m stunned we sent you two Tutti Fruity’s. Sorry about that; it should NOT have happened. We’ll make sure you get no duplicates in your next box.

Cofftea, that was the LAST Decaf Chai. We had a lot of people asking for decaf versions of our chai some time back, so I got some decaf assam and blended up like five different decaf versions of our Chais. But we only sold them as a set. Somehow this one single pouch wound up being an extra. So it went in the clearance bin.

LiberTEAs, thanks for the business, we will get your second box packed and shipped tomorrow!

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All I have to say is…AWESOMESAUCE! :P

Caitlin said

I like that word!

LOL – I can’t take credit for it…I got it from Auggy (or was it Lena!?) LOL

Ricky said


It’s one of those three or four (teaplz)?

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OMG! Frank I am going to kill you! I think I am caving in!

Rachel: I know how you feel… BUT it is a really good deal and it is TONS of fun getting the package. :)

Cofftea said


LiberTeas: So it seems you are still justifying your 2 boxes purchased. However, you are right it is a great buy.

Cofftea: Seriously, you are a bad influence. You must be like me…love to spend other peoples money. LOL :-)

Oh, btw my hubby says, “Thanks” everyone for being such great influences. Imagine sarcastic tone.

Tell him he’s most welcome… any time I can be of service. :)

LiberTEAS: I will tell him. I am sure he will chuckle.

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It is done and I have ordered the box. Seriously this is getting out of hand. Too much tea not enough places to put it. Who am I kidding I love it and there is no such thing as too much tea.

Also, we should take a road trip to Franks store someday. Anyone think they would want to go?

Caitlin said

You won’t regret it – the box is so much fun!!!

I would love to go to Frank’s shop! I probably would end up leaving with even MORE tea with which to fill the house.

We should seriously plan a road trip or something. I think it would be great fun. Or if not maybe a Steepster meet-up at Franks. Something of a Steepster convention. Just a thought.

Cofftea said

Even though it would be too far for me personally a Steepster Meet Up @ Zoomdweebies would be fun! Or Harney & Sons for the East coast.

Yes, and Frank should create a special blend just for the occasion, one that is only available to those that attend. (I really shouldn’t say that because as much as I’d like to, I probably won’t be able to attend)

Cofftea said

LOL Ditto LiberTEAS.

wombatgirl said

Hey, I’m just in Kansas City – so if you have people meeting in Wichita, I’d be there!

I am in Chicago so I say road trip for those living near me.

Cofftea said

You’re picking me up!:) Don’t ya just love how I volunteer you? hehe:)

Do you live near Chicago Cofftea?

Cofftea said

Oh my gosh I can’t believe I just saw this. 3 hrs north. But I could get a 1 way ticket cheap:)

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“I would love to go to Frank’s shop! I probably would end up leaving with even MORE tea with which to fill the house.” – LiberTEAS

When should I book your flight for? =)

Cofftea said

Are you paying for flights as well?

If you are going to buy enough tea to fill a house, I will pay for the flight.

-Jessica- said

hahahahaha this made me snicker! =)~

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Only four of these left, btw.

stop it Frank. I will NOT be tempted to purchase yet another one. I WON’T. You CAN’T do it. So, just don’t try. Ok?

Cofftea said

lol LiberTEAS (literally actually!) you sound like you’re trying to convince yourself more than him:)

but I’m not going to do it. I won’t. WON’T WON’T WON’T.

Cofftea said

famous last words… TEAhehe:)

LiberTEAS: If you seriously buy a 3rd box I will be amazed. If I had the funds I would do it too but “wow” you truly are a lover of tea. Please let us know if you cave again. I am on pins and needles with this one.

No pressure from me, but I should mention, your 2nd box is all packed up and ready to go, so IF you ordered a third, I’m not positive I could guarantee no duplicates, though I bet I could come pretty close.

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I am putting this ENTIRE thread on ignore.

Cofftea said



Aww come on you know you want to do it. Remember you did say it was a great deal.

Cofftea said

Now who’s being evil Rachel? TEAhehe;)

LOL :-) What can I say I took a page from your book and it was FUN!

Wait a cotton pickin’ minute here…have you purchased this box yet Cofftea?

Cofftea said

Can’t afford it. I need to buy a plane ticket this month yet which will only leave me with ~$3 to my name. If one is left in about a week and a half… I’M SO ON IT!:)

Great now I feel bad.

Cofftea said

No worries:) Drink some matcha, you’ll feel better TEAhehehe

Cofftea: Keep an eye out in the mail. My husband and I bought you a little box of goodies from 52Teas and Frank will make sure it gets to you safe and sound. Thanks, for being so sweet to me and hey now a week and a half from now you will have an extra $50 for something else. Enjoy!

Cofftea said

You didn’t… you shouldn’t have… You’re the one that needs extra tea:)

I already have a box coming and now so do you. Enjoy!

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[Is feeling soooo virtuous right about now. ;-)]

Did you cave?

No! That’s why I feel virtuous. ;-)

Thought that but wanted to be sure.

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Jillian said

As a Canadian (the offer is US-only) I’m safe from temptation (this time). *is feeling smug *

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Suzi said

Any boxes left, Frank?

Three left, but I’m thinking of adjusting it to two. the teas are dwindling…

Suzi said

Well, now it’s down to either two or one because I couldn’t resist anymore. :-p

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