Pu'erh PICK or Pu'erh KNIFE?
As I’m getting more pu’erh cakes in my collection, I was wondering what the experts of this site would recommend best to break the cakes: picks or knives?
Should I use both, depending of the compression?
Thanking you in advance :-)
I use both, depending on the tea. I have a very slim awl that I use to probe around the tea, just slide it in around the edges to loosen it up a bit, and get a better feel for how the tea is compressed.
I have a regular pick for higher compression teas, and I use the knifes to get between layers and flake bits off a loose, or loosened cake.
I had a feeling I would end up buying both…i use a nut pick right now which is truly not the best tool for it. Having a real hard time with higher compressed cakes. Time to buy the right tools! Thanks for you reply :-)
Oh, you can go a long way with improvised tools. It’s not like pu’er dao are very complicated things! :P
I just like having them, pu’er being the bulk of what I drink, and being addicted to accumulating teaware!
That said, having three of them ready at the tea table all the time is really nice, and I’ll probably end up with more of them eventually. :)
A pick is probably better for breaking small chunks off a cake or tuocha. I knife would be best for breaking an entire cake into chunks. Youtube how to do this, the knife is nice since it broad and flat. Once you slide the knife into a puerh cake you can twist it and the broadness of the knife gently separates the cake into two layers.
Yes I’ve youtubed a lot actually, but it was unclear to me when it was best to use the knife or the pick. Looks like I’m going to get both…
Thanks for your reply :-)
I usually use the pick to poke three guide holes into the cake, and a knife (mine’s just a letter opener) to pry the chunk off. Either one is fine for a looser cake, but for something rock hard the pick will be more helpfull
Yes, I’ve had no problems with the looser cakes, but the hard ones are really giving me a hard time. You’re technique sounds great, will try as soon as I get the proper tools, thanks for your reply :-)
I have a variety of tools for breaking cakes including picks, knives and awls. That is right awls. Some cakes are so solid that nothing short of an awl or even chisel will do. Generally though I use a puer pick that is somewhat in between a knife or pick, not quite a knife, more than a pick.
Well it does make sense, awls are pretty similar to some pu’erh picks I’ve seen when you think of it :-) A lot better than my little nut pick! I have thought of using a chisel, happy to know I’m not that crazy!
people generally use awls/picks. I use my fingers at the moment
for hard tuocha some people will even use hammers!
I once needed to use a hammer on one brick. It was a HIGHLY compressed decorative brick but ended up actually tasting really good! :)
I have been planning to add a tea tool to my small arsenal of picks, tea knives, awls, oyster knives, ice picks, and a chisel. I have been planning to buy a letter opener. I have seen it suggested they are good and they look excellent for breaking up cakes.
Thanks allan, I could totally see that working. But I also want the “real” tools, you know, teaware addiction :-)
I’m no expert, but if you already have the proper tools, I wouldn’t go out and buy a letter opener. Read this: http://fineteafocus.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-pu-erh-lovers-best-friend-cake-knife.html
I would go out and buy it just to add to my collection of tea tools. Do I need a logical reason? If I needed a logical reason for all this tea stuff I wouldn’t buy more tea for at least 10 years.
The most unusual tea tool in my collection was bought from Taobao and made for Puerh but has no real edge. It is a pair of pliers with two protrusions to break off a piece of cake. I think I paid $5 or $6 plus shipping.
Pick for cakes and some tuos, knife definitely for bricks and harder compressed tea. XiaGuan cakes could almost use a knife on also.
I have one small Haiwan Brick that is so solid I went out last year and bought a small chisel. It doesn’t see use on any other tea though.
My favorite ones are the two I use at home and here at the shop. They are a cross between a pick and a knife. That makes one good implement good for all situations. Well most of them. There are some that require a jackhammer or explosives. But 98% of the time, the type I use works like a champ.
yes. but we are almost sold out of them. They rock. The weight of them is perfect. We will be getting more in as one of my suppliers in Shanghai has found more of them for me!!! It’ll be weeks before we see them, though. I have 7 or so of them left right now. Here is the link: http://shopmandalatea.com/tea-wares/tea-accessories/breaking-knives/puerh-pick-with-screw-case.html
Nice! I should be able to get this out yet today, my dear! You’ll enjoy that tea brick as well. And finally, you remembered to order the black beauty :)
Dex, is she supposed to clear her purchases through you first? :)
We just started $9 flat rate shipping to our Canadian friends! Now you can order right off the site. As long as the package is under 4 lbs. If it is over, then you have to email us because we have to get shipping quote and do it the old fashioned way.
Thank you Garret, you’re the man!
Oh lord…Dexter is my moderator…I gave her that job, poor thing. It is not easy to watch over me…But she doesn’t know I got “playpal” money today :-)
My new year’s resolution for this year was to have more laugh lines. You are each helping me to keep my resolution! Thank you!
How do we know if the package is over 4lbs? Will the site say something like – contact us for shipping quote? I understand knowing the weight of the tea, but not teaware, packaging, box etc.
Oh, and YES, YES, I did remember to get Black Beauty this time around, thanks for noticing Garret! I’ll now be able to try MzPriss Dark Beauty cocktail :-)
But, but….Marzi, my playpal money did work :-o
Dex! I would say that if there’s a question, just let me know. We have not entered weights of everything on the site (a painstaking procedure that I don’t even wanna get into)… As it is, we’ve only had one package this year that was over 4 lbs to Canada.
I’m almost out of special dark, and there is a yixing pot, and well you know pu’erh cakes , it’s hard to stop on your site.
If you’ve only had one package over 4lbs then I should be ok. Thanks for your answer.
As for the lovely TeaFairy – it’s an inside running joke. :)) At least she is buying GOOD tea. Hard to disallow Mandala purchases….
TTF – oh it works, but it doesn’t really exist, ya know? At least that’s what I tell myself. I can spend as much as I want of my playpal money.
Thanks for shipping so fast Garret….you’re so quick, I name you “lightning man” :-)
Sars, you mean your job would be to enforce people to buy tea? How do I apply?
Thanks Sars – I’m actually in negotiations for this order. I got an ok – but then it was rescinded with “do not buy yet”…shrug. I’m buying Special Dark, I just seasoned a pot with and for it and I’m almost out. Wild Monk 2012 cakes almost sold out – need one of those. I want that pot…. the rest is to be determined… Will see what my cart total is, then decide if I need to be talked down or not. Thanks for the offer – will be in touch. ;))
TTF: If the job description included making people buy tea, we would hire you :p
Dex: Just LMK. I have some hockey moves I’d like to try out…
AllanK I have reviewed some of Mandala’s teas. Hit me up if you see anything I have that strikes your interest. Wild Monk and Green Mountain good ones, well all I have got are.
Sars – ok, I’ve placed an order – no hockey moves necessary – maybe next time. I just ordered the bare minimum to get me through the next couple of months. I think I bought the same pot that you did though. We might be Yixing twins…. http://shopmandalatea.com/tea-wares/yixing-pots/tranquil-heart-yixing-pot.html
Aaaaaww ok. No hockey moves. :p
I believe that is the pot that MzPriss purchased. I got a yixing gaiwan instead of a teapot. It’s really lovely though!!!
Yes! I got that pot and it is already here because Garret is awesome. It’s really pretty in person
This pot is pretty big, a little over 5 oz, so I’m thinking possibly this might be my vanilla pot. Although I want my purple pot to be my vanilla pot, that one is going to be really small (like Tea Hobbit small), so maybe this one will be vanilla. I really do like it a lot
Sorry – should not be posting that late at night.
I have a really small one here and that one on the way. Thinking the tiny one will be for shou, and this one for Fujian Blacks….? Maybe?
@Garret – don’t look at any of TeaFairy’s reviews of Mandala pu-ers. Thanks.
wait! What wasn’t U supposed to see? Are y’all planning a surprise party for me? awwwww…..
Garret, it’s a big party every time we drink and review your tea here, and you are ALWAYS invited :-)
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