Moonrise Tea Thingie
It’s finally poking through the trees! :D
I just wore myself out really bad, looking up at the sky and I hear horrible screeching and a really loud crash bang boom at the traffic light, I yelled at Lance to call 911, dropped my tea and ran like hell to help, everybody was ok, drunk driver jumped the curve went into the firehouse lawn,truck messed up in the parking lot boat in the ditch and boat trailer in the yard. I tried to help but they didn’t want help they was too drunk. Where is my Moon!!!
Full moon time is also crazy time – it’s one of the things we love about it. That wildass energy
I hung around till cops got there which was fast since they did land at the fire station, they were very drunk, but all was ok thank goodness, i did what i could :)
For those who are missing it, I snapped some shots for you! :)
Oh those are amazing. I was gonna show mine, but it’s kind of pitiful compared to yours LOL
Wow awesome – I’m going to wait another half hour or so, then go outside and see if I can find a spot between the buildings to catch a glimpse
Dexter, my moon is right behind the tallest tree of course!! I STILL can’t see it , lol, so you are not alone!
Nice! Also, I scrolled down & love the spider web! Of course, I have this thing for spiders…
Spiders rock! :) If you have a tumblr, you should follow me. If not, and you have a facebook, you should like my photography page:
If you have neither, I am impressed and you can view my tumblr anytime still :P
I also do prints up to 20×30″ if anyone is interested :)
I’m just not even really sure where I should be looking, if I can get outside and see where it is, will give me a better idea of how long til I can see it from the balcony….
(The cup of tea…with the cherry float…dexter, you would love it…goes really red with red kitchens)
Well, I guess maybe… ;)
I try to be :P
I am going to sleep though…I am very tired. haha
Goodnight everyone, you all rock!
And thanks for the compliments on the photos :)
(I didn’t find a cherry float pic – but I loved the silver mug with steam coming out of it…)
Terri – you have all the best ideas…TerriWhip, Terri-style and this party
Yeah, that was really fun :-)
(Didn’t even had dinner with all the excitement, I’m starving!!)
I just now ate a pice of toast on Candaian bread with some of that chocolate almond butter on it
It was lovely spending this time with y’all I’m gonna settle down with a book. Night y’all
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