Moonrise Tea Thingie

248 Replies

Super moon huh? I will have to go check it out…its been dark here for awhile. Sounds like you guys are having fun. Enjoy your moon rise tea and the moon!

Welcome to the party!!

MzPriss said

Pull up a lawnchair and a teacup

ya! this is pretty fun, go check out the sky with us :)

It is a pretty moon…but alas I have to work early in the am. Finishing up my last cuppa for the night. Have fun guys!

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Oh i just saw lightening thats not cool… OK so it was kinda cool :)

Oh nooooo!!!

Dexter said

DO NOT go on the roof if you have lightening!!! ;))

nope, that was all the sign i needed not to go up there, i wanted to soo bad tho

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Dexter said

It says that moonrise is in 8 minutes, but it is still full daylight here – I’m just going to drink some dancong and wait for it to get dark….

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SarsyPie said

We need a tea chat room. I am getting a little lost in here. The cherry brandy-spiked Port tea probably isnt helping! :p

Dexter said

MMMMmmmmm booze in tea – that’s awesome.


SarsyPie said

Lots of teas blend nicely with a little nip. This was an especially good mix, if I do say so myself. :)

Kaylee said

A chat room would be pretty cool, actually…

MzPriss said


SarsyPie said

I think it would be fun, in general, but especially for a shared tea like this little event. :)

MzPriss said

Tea parties

Port is just amazing!!!

MzPriss said

Oh Sars – when you get some Cocoa Amore – which tastes just like chocolate covered cherries – the cherry brandy would be REALLY good in it

SarsyPie said

Cocoa Amore!!!!! How dud I miss that?!?!?!?

Just launched officially today :)

(You did not hear cause we are good teacret agents…)

MzPriss said
SarsyPie said

Baaaaad teacret agents. Luckily my latest order hadn’t shipped yet. LOL

Lol, I’m clearly NOT going to sleep tonight so I need a good suggestion list!!

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So…regarding a tea chat room, I’ve been wanting to do a google plus hangouts live tea party for awhile…

Have no idea how that works, but I’d be totally up for it!!!

SarsyPie said

Awesome idea!!!! I love it!!!

MzPriss said

That is a great idea!

Unfortunately, I can’t do it tonight, but we should plan on doing it soon.
Here’s how it works (& this is coming from somebody who hasn’t ever done it yet, but really wants to).
1. sign up for Google +
2. I think maybe you have to download the google hangouts thingy…
3. friend the people who are going to do it. I’m Terri Langerak
4. Figure out when we want to do it & all meet up on there. I think you can have up to 8 people at a time.

Kaylee said

That would be really fun!

It WOULD be really fun! We could pick a tea to drink together & then hang out & drink it & actually talk about it :)

MzPriss said

YES! Can’t you voice chat on skype too?

MzPriss said

In a group?

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MzPriss said

I see a BIG ASS moon!

That’s great!!!

SarsyPie said

LOL. You crack me up!

MzPriss said

It’s HUGE. No way I’m sleeping tonight

Dexter said

Awesome!!!! Moonrise party success for some of you!!!!

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The sky is on fire here!!! But still, trees are blocking the full view…

MzPriss said

Mine is just now coming over the top of my trees. It’s a bright mofo too

Oh, now that I’m mofo initiated, I totally can laugh at this :-)

MzPriss said


Hahahaha :D

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Pretty sure I just swallowed a bug…

MzPriss said

I sawlloed one in my earlier. Sucked.

MzPriss said

Still have a throat tickle

Dexter said

Wash it down with some tea….. ?

MzPriss said

Was in my tea and it’s dark.

Need a refill, BRB!!!

MzPriss said

Dexter LOL – that was totally my solution. MOAR tea!

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Now I hear a gang fight…racoons. Dangerous in the woods out here…

SarsyPie said

Every time I think of raccoons, I think of the film: The Great Outdoors!!!!

Haha! Was that the movie with john candy??

SarsyPie said

Absolutely. So classic! And the raccoons were amazing actors. So hilarious. :p

love that movie

Haven’t seen it in such a long time, I’ll check if it’s on netflix later tonight!

MzPriss said

I’m thinking I’m going to have to watch Moonstruck for the 1000th time

SarsyPie said

I’ve seen it a billion times. I never get tired of watching it!

Was That the cher movie? Loved!!!

MzPriss said

Yes and its so good! I like when the grandpa has the dogs howl at the moon

Dexter said

No The Great Outdoors, no Moonstruck on NetFlix. :((


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MzPriss said

My second pot is ALMOST ready to pour out

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