Moonrise Tea Thingie

248 Replies
MzPriss said

I am a paragon of virtue tonight

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MzPriss said

LOL – I still have Iggy Pop going – would that be superfreaky awesome moon?

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Kaylee said

Moonrise? What is this moon thing of which you speak?

I live in a city. We don’t see a whole lot of sky. But I’ll drink my tea and enjoy the moonrise vicariously through y’all. :)

MzPriss said

take your tea outside and watch the moonrise with us :)

MzPriss said

Dude I live in a city. Austin is a bigg-ish city

Kaylee said

Alas, New York is a tall-ish city that tends to block my view. Not a lot of safe-at-night outdoor spaces near me, either.

MzPriss said

Oh it is a TALL city. But I love it :)

Kaylee said


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SarsyPie said

Ehrmagerd!!!! It’s so overcast here. All I can see right now is the light behind the clouds. I hope I can get a clear view soon.

Dexter said

LOL it’s ok Sarsonator, I still have full daylight – sunset isn’t for almost an hour yet here, but I too am hoping it clears a bit. Sunset is going to be nice if I get a break in the clouds…

MzPriss said

It’s still bright here too. Not BRIGHT – not dark

SarsyPie said

I am just going to keep checking and hopefully I’ll get a good glimpse! I hope everyone else gets some clear skies, too!

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Is there something special about the moon tonight?

MzPriss said

It’s some kind of supermoon – but Terri had the idea the other day that we should drink moonrise tea at moonrise :)

I think moon is closer tonight or something, suppose to make it look big i think :)

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I see a tiny little bits of it through the trees…it won’t be long for me, it’s 9:41 here…

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Where is terri???

MzPriss said

I don’t know!!! Last we heard, Tony dumped her Elderwood leaves out…

Man…that’s like the equivalent of dying. She might be sobbing in the corner or rummaging the trash in search of them?

thats like a sin or something lol

I did think about pulling them out of the trash, but I decided to just let go. Sometimes you have to do that. I got 2 decent cups of those leaves before he erroneously dumped them, so at least there is that.

MzPriss said

I was afraid they were taking you to the pokey for justifiable Tony-cide

It was just the tea in the steeper basket. I still have some dry leaf :)

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Is tonight a full moon? It is nowhere near dark here.

MzPriss said

A supermoon!

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Dexter said

(I am also the one who didn’t get their WP order yet – but due to the generosity of TheTeaFairy I have a few to choose from – Port, Golden Orchid, Bi Luo Chun, Ailaoshan, and Phoenix Mountain Dancong – which to choose?)


MzPriss said

My default is ALWAYS Golden Orchid – but Port is really special. The Fairy must love you :)

Dexter said

Fairy is an amazing, generous, kind, fantastic, wonderful, person!!!

And so are all of you!!! Full of love for you guys :-)

You are all awesome :)

SarsyPie said

Tea group hug!!!!!!


All the hugs!!! I think the next group tea party should be The Sleeping Bear Hug ;)

Yes, the bear hug would be great :-)

MzPriss said

Oh it would because it will send us to sleep. Oh! Maybe we should do it on the New Moon

SarsyPie said

OK, but can we do it after the August SB is ready? :)

MzPriss said

We’ll have to because I’m not sure I have any more

Big hugs all around! This has been a fun night!
I guess I’d better add some Sleeping Bear to my next order…

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You guys my sky is full of stars, not one cloud!!!

SarsyPie said

I am so jealous!!!! I’m still waiting for the sky to clear here.

MzPriss said

YES! It’s because we decided to do this

Dexter said

Yay!!!! you are going to get a good view!!!

Still waiting for the Moon, I can’t see her yet, it is getting dark tho, 8:48 here

Kaylee said


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