Needing some good quality cheap tea on Amazon, how is Stash Loose and The Tao of Tea brands?
Last time I tried Davidson’s(Earl Grey) and was sorta disappointed( Was a bit Bitter), the Zhena’s Gypsy Tea(Green tea coconut chai) I bought was pretty decent.
As far as tea bags go Stash has been decent, is the loose better or good? Never heard of Tao of Tea but it seems to get decent reviews here.
Looking at the ones around 20 bucks for a 1lb, I tend to drink to much tea to justify the really expensive teas….hehe…
Any other recommendations?
Tao of Tea has some nice black teas, and they also have the best tea canisters around as an added bonus. Harney & Sons sells some of their tea on Amazon, and I think Numi and Rishi do as well.
I was actually looking at the Numi but I tried a couple of the bag versions and all of them were very weak…might be different in loose though, the aged earl grey sounds good…
Will check out Rishi, never tried them, anyone know what this comes with?
I was looking at the 500 Mile Chai and Sada Chai in Tao tea’s, not sure which I want, the Sada is a bit cheaper though.
Huh, hard to tell what tea that comes with. You think they’d have it labeled.
I haven’t tried any of Tao’s chais unfortunately. For Earl Grey Stash’s Double Bergamot is pretty good if you like extra bergamot, and all of Harney’s Earl’s are very good if you prefer lighter bergamot.
Compare with this one:
Since the Amazon link is called “afternoon”, I’m guessing it comes with (mostly) their afternoon tea. And 3 smaller sizes, since all the other similar gift sets show one large package and three smaller packages. Hard to read the writing though.
I have bought some good teas from Zhena’s Gypsy Teas and Boston Tea on Amazon.
Might try the Raspberry Earl Grey in that brand, deciding between that and the Stash Earl Grey right now actually, need some sort of grey….haha.
I have not tried the Stash Earl Grey but the Raspberry Earl Grey is reasonably good. I bought it about 18 months ago so mine is nearing the end of its shelf life. I brewed it again today and it still is tasty but not like when I bought it.
Is it more Raspberry or more towards earl grey? No artificial taste right? Not to big a fan of that :-P.
If it has to be Amazon, I second the vote for Harney versus Stash or the others. For a “supermarket tea” I think they are better than the others.
Having a hard time finding the sort of teas I want from Amazon in that brand, might just try that brand when I am near the store though, site prices seem cheaper then Amazon.
Thanks though :-)!
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