99 Replies
Mikumofu said

I found this out when my pre-orders finally shipped. Hooray!

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MzPriss said

Thanks Cameron!!! I’m ON IT!

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Oh no!!! Must get there before MzPriss!!! she’s the TEA ERASER!!! :-O

Thanks Cameron :-)

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Dexter said

Order placed – thanks Cameron!!!

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MzPriss said

Too late. I hope I left you some

You totally left plenty for me, I’ve got enough to feel secure now :-)

MzPriss said

Good!!! I do as well and I’m so very happy to have some of my very own :)

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MzPriss said

I’m trying that new black as well, the Yu Lu Yan Cha Black it sounds good.

Dexter said

Yu Lu Yan Cha is really good – but I have a MOUNTAIN of it here – I didn’t order more – hope you enjoy it. :))

MzPriss said

It sounds JUST like something I would love. A mountain is awesome – I see I’m not the ONLY Tea Eraser :)

Dexter said

In my last Verdant order, I ordered 2oz of Yu Lu Yan Cha and 2oz of Yu Lu Yan Chai – they sent me 4oz of CHA no CHAI – so of couse (because they are awesome they sent me the missing chai) and that means I got 4oz of CHA – was not disappointed with that mistake :))

That’s an awesome mistake! I liked both the samples you sent me a lot. But I’m just a little more of a LB kind of gal.

MzPriss, I think I am becoming as much as a TEA ERASER as you are, sigh…

MzPriss said

I was hoggish on the LBCG. Hoggish! I restrained myself on the other one. Dexter that is an awesome mistake :)

@TeaF – it’s not exactly our fault if they’re gonna keep not having enough of it. That makes it sound more rational, yes?

MzPriss said

PM me Cameron

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I just got one ounce to try, so hopefully that doesn’t affect any of you getting the amount you want. :P

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MzPriss said

Cameron you should get however much you want (pssst – you will want MORE!)

I would but I just made a sizable WP order and I don’t want to spend more really. But I had to get an ounce because I know it will be gone in a flash! :P

Dexter said

I have about an oz here and I ordered 4 more – still not sure that’s enough…. it’s amazing stuff. :))

inranger said

Then I am glad I continued my tea buying binge with my 3 oz. :)

MzPriss said

I hear ya Cameron. I’m thinking about hiring my dogs out for something or a second mortgage on my house. It is indeed amazing stuff Dexter – I have been wanting some FOREVER but they have been out of it since I discovered Verdant. I only got to try some because TeaTiff is awesome

I am a little ashamed to say…8oz here…oops.

MzPriss said

I’m going to not say. But I think your 8 oz is entirely respectable :) and NO I didn’t get nearly as much as you think. Less than the Golden Fleece

Dexter said

LOL – wow 8oz is TONS!!! and that’s less than the Golden Fleece ?!? – I don’t think I want to know. I’m suddenly feeling really good (rather than embarrassed) about my stash.. ;))

MzPriss said

I don’t have a huge number of teas, but I have a lot of the things that I like. And I share a lot of tea with friends and work people. And Golden Fleece is seductive. And they run out. But I don’t need anymore for a long time.

Golden Fleece sounds amazing but it’s a bit expensive for me to be buying without trying it first. Perhaps I will have to bully you into a swap for some! Muahaha.

Dexter said

I actually admire that MzPriss – I’m the opposite, I have a small amount of tons of different teas (and I just keep ordering more). Variety is good, but it gets to the point that I don’t always drink my favorites. Really happy that you have a system that works for you and you get to drink your favorites all the time (I really need lessons in this..)

MzPriss said

I’m at a point now, where I’m starting to get rid of things I don’t love as much – but that I am glad I tried. And there are further adventures – for example I haven’t made a Yunnan Sourcings order…

Dexter said

Yunnan Sourcing – I haven’t ordered from them either, and I keep saying that they are next, yet something always happens (like this) and they just keep getting pushed down the list. I really need to do that SOON – I’ve tried a few of their teas, and IMHO they seem like really good quality at reasonable prices. I really DON’T need more tea….

MzPriss said

I really and truly don’t either and I’m going to wait a while and then I’m gonna ask Terri what to get :) and I’m going to have to wait a bit myself

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MzPriss said

OK – now I want it to BE here. Off to drown my sorrows in some S’mores

So excited that I get to try S’mores! Brenden was nice enough to swap something in my order for me since S’mores was out of stock when I ordered. It should have been a couple dollars difference and he didn’t want to charge me! Ridiculously nice. :)

MzPriss said

He’s a good ’un. Tea people are awesome

I second that, He is just a sweetheart and so are tea people in general.

Mandy said

Oh no you’re saying S’mores is back in stock? Dang nabbit, it was out when I ordered too D;

Dexter said

S’mores is back but two that I’m looking at are out of stock :((

Order it and email him – see if he will just toss it into your other order….. ?

Totally, he’s done it for Cameron I think today for a different tea. I would just contact him, he might just invoice you the difference.

Mandy said

Hmm how smokey is s’mores? I didn’t even think about smoke, and I dont like smoke.

What two did you miss out on?

Mandy there’s a checkbox to “opt out of smoked teas” on the product page. I’m not sure if this means they make it specially with a different tea or an unsmoked version?

Dexter said

I don’t know anything about the smoke – but I was looking at Bai Lou Chun and Imperial Gold Bud…. those two sound like they would be my style of black teas…. oh well

MzPriss said

@Dexter – check your PM

MzPriss said

Public Service Announcement: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMPERIAL GOLD BUD. Thank you.

Dexter, the Imperial Gold Bud has been out for a while now, but I did manage to get an ounce of the Bi Luo Chun. I don’t know how high shipping to Canada is from the US, but I could definitely send you a swap or something if you want. :)

Dexter said

You guys are awesome!!! I love this site!!!!
Cameron – thank you – but TheTeaFairy had already sent me some, so I have a couple of cups worth here. Really appreciate the offer, but I’m good thanks. I was just trying to find enough for free shipping, and so far haven’t gotten there yet…
I really should not be ordering more…. those two out of stock, might actually be a good thing for my cupboard, and bank account. Thanks so much though….

Dexter said

LOL and now MzPriss is getting me in trouble – between the three of you, my WP cart just keeps evolving…. What’s another order when I’m already this far out of control. I’m going to say it again – you guys are awesome!!! Thank you!!!

Dexter said

OMG!!! I got both of them….what did you guys do?


MzPriss said

It’s magic :)

What, the Imperial Gold Bud is in stock now…? :(

Dexter said

I don’t know what magic you guys just pulled off – but I got an oz of both the ones I was looking for (plus 9 others) 80.00 later = free shipping. Thanks guys – love you all…
Brendan should also be giving you commission ;))

I had nothing to do with it, but hooray! I’m glad you got the ones you wanted. Now I must send a message and get my hands on some of that Imperial Gold Bud… :P

MzPriss said

@Dexter – well when you have a Fairy and a Tea Whiz and PrissyPriss alchemy happens.

Super happy it all worked out!!!

Cameron, I’m sure by sending him a message, it can all be arranged, your oder hasn’t shipped yet for sure :-)

Lol, I just realized this is totally in the wrong post to talk about this, we are spamming people with LB interests!!

MzPriss said

LOL – we totally are. Sorry LB teaple :)

Dexter said

OOOPS – we are in the wrong thread….

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