So does this mean they will have Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha in stock soon? I really want to try it! :3
That’s awesome! I wonder what’s up in Shandong. One of the Rizhao suppliers I keep in touch with hasn’t even made any black tea this year as they are struggling to keep up with the demands for the green tea. Glad that many will soon have one of their favourites back in their cupboard!
Hope that they have enough to re-stock the blends. Waiting for chocolate genmaicha….
Yeah, I noticed that it’s missing in action, sigh. Now I betcha LB will sell out by the time Chocolate Genmaicha gets back in stock. I mean can’t we get those two at the same time? Please?
Yes but WHERE is my chocolate genmaicha? Or – WHAT DEXTER SAID!
Dexter – I asked:
Me: Hello. I just recently got to try some of the Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha and I’m wondering if you will be blending more when the Laoshan Black comes in. Because need.
Good question! Yes – we definitely plan to bring back blends, including Laoshan Black Chocolage Genmaicha, as soon as Laoshan Black comes back :) Right now, we’re expecting the teas to arrive in a few weeks. We’ll be sure to let everyone know in a mailer and via social media!
Lily Duckler
on June 17th, 2014
Well done! Now get 52teas to reblend the Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha so I can try that too! I have faith in you! :)
Well Cameron, I will try, but my heart won’t be in it quite as much so I can’t promise results. I have never had a 52tea.
I actually haven’t either but I love genmaicha and I love marshmallow treats even more so how could it be bad? :P
None of 52teas ever worked for me…I just don’t try them anymore. But they are so popular, I’m just the outcast here :-)
I’m not generally into sweet or flavored teas (with the obvious exception of chocolate genmaicha and I also like Earl Greys if they are done right). It is a rare occasion I drink something flavored. I haven’t found my sweet spot there yet.
Thanks for the info MzPriss
If you are looking for flavors – I like Lupicia and H&S but that’s just me. On the other hand, if you are happy with straight teas, then just enjoy them – you don’t have to like EVERYTHING….
I second what dexter said…lupicia teas are amazing! And I do like some H&S, and my Butikis!!
@Dexter – I’ve tried quite a few and so far it seems like I’m a straight tea kinda gal. I did very much like the Kashmir Rose one – I tend to like things that are naturally flavored with spices and flowers – OH I do love chai – but it has to be good chai – hot and spicy with a nice base.
I just did another Butiki order recently, should see it any minute now – I don’t think I got much in the way of flavors though. I got some bug-bited ones that I’m looking forward to a LOT. I really appreciate Butiki as a company. Stacy seems like the nicest person :)
Stacy is awesome and I love her straight teas…
I really want to make an order but I’m holding out for that rumored July birthday sale… I hope it’s soon! :P
I was just about to order this until I saw….coconut milk as a flavor?
I don’t really get the coconut milk from the LB. If you would like, I can send you a bit to try. Fair warning – it’s tea-crack!
That would be great! I truly hate coconut.
No problem. I honestly don’t taste coconut. Like at all. PM me your address and I’ll send some
I get no coconut either. I mean not at all!! Just pure chocolate roasted rice goodness!
Yeah it’s almost like chocolate malt-o-meal. It’s grainy and nice.
Coconut? Chocolate puffed wheat cake – that’s what I think chocolate genmaicha is….
verdant is always exaggerating about their flavor notes.
I might need some right now. Tomorrow is a holiday and I probably wouldn’t sleep anyway.
Unless this batch is wildly different, there is nothing even remotely coconut about LB. I loathe everything coconut but love LB.
@TeaF – I’ve only had one Lupicia – I liked it the first time and then tried it again and I had apparently lost that lovin’ feelin’. It was the Golden Honeydew. It was pretty good once, but after that I passed it on.
I didn’t intend to buy any tea this month, but I might need a reward for completing my schooling goal. That’s a good reason to buy, right?
I really hope the Golden Fleece stays on stock until tomorrow when I get some monies!!
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