Your most memorable tea?
I’m fairly new here (a few days) so forgive me if this is a beaten down topic, but I’m still excited to find a tea drinking group. What is your most memorable tea experience? When did you fall in love with tea. What memorable events always come to mind when you taste a particlar tea? I’m interested.
My 1st matcha experience! (which was totally unexpected) I was terrified of it because of the combo of the price, taste, and price of the matcha set (I didn’t want to try it w/o purchasing an entire set so I could prepare it authentically). Last winter my mom and I went to try out this new cafe. I walk in anticipating on getting decanted hot tea, but then I look at the menu. Matcha for $2.50/bowl! I couldn’t resist trying this when less than $3 was at stake. I’m so glad I did! I rushed home, did some research, ordered a set online (obviously not enough research since I coulda got a much cheaper set), and have been drinking it daily ever since.
When I drank the Samovar Moorish Mint for the first time. I still think about that in a rather awestruck way. I remember thinking it was so nearly a perfect blend, and since I was pretty new to green tea at the time and had had a number of bad experiences with it, the fact that the blend had a green tea base was all the more astonishing to me. It was sort of the moment I got hooked on tea and wanted to taste more and more and more.
When Erin sent me the Red Dragon by Adagio….that tea changed my life in that I am now a tea addict rather than a coffee addict. I didn’t think I would purchase Red Dragon, (since it is a blend of 3 different teas that probably aren’t amazing by themselves…however they are amazing together) but I’ve been considering it lately.
Mine was Teavana’s Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls! I hand’t been terribly fond of green tea at the time and was just starting to really get into loose leaf teas. I thought they were so cool because the leaves were rolled up, but then I tasted it and it was pure ecstasy to me! The I discovered that not only was it my “go to” tea and perfect match for me, but that also it blends very nicely with fruity teas so that made it even better to me.
Well, I now have some new teas to try. Samovar Moorish Mint and Red Dragon sound nice. Cofftea, is Matcha the tea used in the Japanese tea ceremony? Jessica, I had a wonderful “Jasmine” tea given to me once that was a China green tea with streaks of silver leaves all rolled up into little balls. It sounds similar to what you are describing, are was really good, but I’ve never been able to find it for sale anywhere. I’ll have to try Teavana.
Yep, matcha is the tea used in the Japanese Tea Ceremony called Chado (The Way of Tea). LOTS of companies sell Jasmine Pearls David. They are most often either oolong, green, or white in type. Just search the steepster tea data base for Jasmine Pearls.
My biggest tea experience was the " golden monkey" tea buy Adagio.
It was smooth for a black tea, and one of the first teas that I ever had loose leaf… I just feel in love with it!
I also really enjoyed the relax (bagged) tea by yogi… Even tho it’s not very good for you, it just had a amazing taste!
A while back, I picked up some Dragon Pearl at a little hole in the wall shop in China Town. I don’t think the place is even there anymore. It was an impulse buy, to see if I could find some tea my husband wouldn’t despise. I’ve had some good teas since then, but that first sip of “real” loose leaf tea was amazing…and got my husband totally hooked! So, Dragon Pearl still has a special place in my tea cabinet.
mine had been earl gray lavender tea by Revolution then i thought hey i want this to be a caffeine free XD so decided to make one that was caffeine free so i got the lose leaf lady gray and put lavender buds in it (not too many or it over powers the tea), but yes it’s wonderful and it was my own creation XD in a way
Rishi’s White Peach was the first tea that gave me that complete “tea bliss” feeling. I was lucky to be drinking it at a time in my day where I had no distractions, and it was just a friend and I sitting on my porch with a large pot of it, drinking it away. It was wonderful, relaxing, and an altogether tasty experience.
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