Just saw a bunch of new items posted on the web specials DAVIDsTEA page.
Most of the summer collection mugs at 40% off + a bunch of teas.
Thought I’d share the news, many teaware addicts here on Steepster ;-)
Hurry up, cause they usually disappear in no time!
And frequent steepers can get a sample of their new Cotton Candy (rooibos) with their online order!
Tentacle mugs!!!!
I asked myself the same question Cavo…the answer was NO! And yet…I totally clicked the order button…sigh. I also got the large bubble cups and the super large latte mug (24oz).
Dexter, do you have that mug? I mean the octopus one…
No – but I bought one a couple of weeks ago and mailed it to Anna – she was looking for one. I had taken it out of the box to check of imperfections and to add tissue etc for mailing. I just thought I should mention – the inside is more orange than red -you would probably say orange/red. It’s cute though
I really didn’t need it but I bought it. :P
I needed to order replacement parts for my timolino bc my daughter lost the seal, so it was easier to justify as I needed the excuse to order if I ever wanted to use my timolino again!
I have most of the onsale teas in my house and have never tried them. Really should not be ordering 250g without trying them. Long Life oolong in stackable tin is another issue – I should buy 10 of them for the tins….
I actually like the tea too – it says peach/apricot – but I think it’s more pineapple nutty mild oolong. I like it – wouldn’t normally buy that much but if I can get those tins as a bonus….
Lol, I just ordered 50 with the mugs, I think I’m slowly messing up their inventory as well, both Winnipeg and Montreal will be on a tin alert because of us ;-0
I was looking at doing that too. $4 for 1oz of an interesting sounding oolong and a tin? Not too bad
Well with my incoming WP and Mandala, I figured I might as well order more right now. I think you are still way ahead of me though, with your stack of super large tins, lol.
Are you paying 2.50 for those? That’s gotta add up quickly! I wonder if you guys get some kind of discount? Also does that mean you have buttloads F frequent steeper points?
I’m totally jealous of your cupboard organizing skills. I think I’m going to get a case of the uline tins and then use colour coded magnets. I’m still working it out before I commit!
Lol, cavo, no discount…Dexter started this madness! Hey, it’s definitely a commitment and an investment. But when you start stacking your tea pouches in shoeboxes cause there are no more room in your house, something has to be done! It cleared a lot of drawers so far and I’m only starting.
The other ting is it helps seeing and knowing what you have. I now drink teas I wasn’t drinking often enough cause they were just not “visible” enough…
And yes, a shitload of points! Ask Dexter ;-)
What’s the colour coded magnet thing?
Shmiracles had magnetic tape that was different colours, which she used to label her tins, but someone else also mention mini-adhesive chalkboard labels: http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=sr_nr_n_15?rh=n%3A2206275011%2Cn%3A2224199011%2Ck%3Avinyl+stickers&keywords=vinyl+stickers&ie=UTF8&qid=1403148517&rnid=2206276011 I could slap those on the tins and use colour coded chalk to label things. Or I could do what OMGsrsly suggested and glue paper to my tins, and then add the label? I want to make sure that whatever I end up with is smaller and allows me to re-use tins easily, otherwise I won’t bother… I would go the 50+ DavidsTea tin route if I had the room, but I’ve got 2.5 shelves for tea and that’s it.
Thanks a lot Cavo, I’ve never seen those labels, they could be practical for tons of stuff!
Yeah I understand the space dilemma.
I’ve been cutting and using the pouch labels on my tins for years, that works well for me, I think I’ll stick to that, cause it’s pretty and it has all the brewing parameters.
Hope you find a system that works well for you :-)
3M makes a sort of super-post-it that is perfect for labeling canisters. It won’t fall off like a post-it, but when you want to take it off, it comes off perfectly clean. I bought them at Staples.
Marzipan the colored empty tins are $2.50 regular price. TheTeaFairy and I have bought a gazillion trying to get our stash into some sort of organization. For example this is the black one that I should buy a bunch more of:
Another (lazy and cheap) option is to just get a couple coloured tins and then put super special ones in them so they stand out. I have nearly 100 regular ones (free with purchase of 100 grams collected over the years) but I bought 4 different coloured ones separately and can always find those faves at a glance. My tea is all in drawers of an old bureau so having something distinctive on the top helps.
I have a label maker and print out labels for my tins…because I’m that much of a nerd. It’s fun though.
Also, thanks so much TheTeaFairy for this discussion topic…you just caused me to spend like $100 lol. This was the perfect excuse to purchase that cart I had going and add a mug. J/k about it being your fault obviously, but it makes my conscience feel better to blame it on you :-P
Why do they do this to me?! I was about to be all over the choconut oolong, but saw that there’s licorice. If he got the inspiration from drinking oolong tea while eating Nutella, why would you add licorice?! Makes no since! Licorice should be outlawed. >.<
Anyway, those summery mugs are absolutely adorable (:
Mandy, have you read the reviews? Maybe the licorice is just there to accentuate other flavours. I know it usually is a pretty strong ingredient, but maybe by reading the reviews you’ll know if it really tastes like it or not. I agree with you, licorice doesn’t belong with nutella :-)
I have a really strong adversion to licorice, so even just a subtle note of it is too much for me. My taste buds do this dumb thing where if they don’t like something they can taste when it’s there even when no one else can. Same goes for like chipotle in foods when I was a kid. I loved spicy food but hated chipotle and I could always tell when it was in foods even when no one else could taste it haha. So I would hate to buy 250g of it just to hate it ):
But I admit, I didn’t read the reviews, I read the word licorice and noped out of there haha
The choconut oolong was pretty disappointing for me, though I don’t really remember a strong licorice taste to it. For me at least. I think it was just unpleasant enough that I didn’t drink too much into it. Lol!
I still have some left if you wanted to do a mini swap just to try it?
I support your stance on licorice, Mandy. David’s sent me a sample of this tea, and the licorice RUINED it.
I want the Long Life Oolong tea, but their shipping is over my price.
Actually, it’s really frustrating that they only offer these sale items online. I’m pretty sure when I go in-store tomorrow they won’t have the mugs on sale. They haven’t had the honey on sale yet, and they’ve been reduced online for a while.
Yeah, I’m totally buying a(nother) Octopus mug. So scared I’m gonna drop this one. And yes, it’s much more orangey red, but I love it. :) Thankfully there aren’t any teas I see myself being sucked into buying, which is good because I still have some of that 250g of Forever Nuts I bough a while back…
Lol, I don’t care about their tea, all I want is their teaware! Glad you’re getting another octopus mug, I can’t wait to see it in person!
Oh man. Soooo tempting. I was already eyeing some of the stuff in the sale section, but with those new mugs added. /ponders/
I may have just bought some tins. A lot of them. But not as many as TheTeaFairy.
Yep…it’s a only a “teaware affair” between myself and David as well. Lol, I think Dexter started a huge DT tin trend. I’m also reorganizing my whole cupboard, following into her steps!
I hesitated and almost settled on Harney’s tins, loving their stackable square shape, but the colour coordinated DT’s system is just too darn appealing to me…
You guys are quick! We’re sending an e-mail about this today ;)
Haha! Yes, we kinda keep an eye on ya ;-)
my shopping is all done already, thank you so much for such great sales items!!
Hah. :P It helps that there are enough of us obsessively checking your site for new things!
Lol, our pleasure! And thank you for being such awesome fans and for sharing the love :)
P.S. Two new oolongs launched yesterday and we’ve got some amazing new stuffs hitting the shelves next Wednesday.
I’m very tempted but…. 250 grams is waaay more then I want to get
I agreee!! I wish they sold them in smaller quantities! I want to try all those teas…not swim in a surplus of it until I’m 82 years old!
har har har is this a calculated answer? If I have ___ amount of tea and I drink ___ cups each day and only using ___ amount per cup, it will take me till I’m 82 years old. Now Thats a math problem I like.
Ha. I’ve actually done that math! I have enough tea to last me 410 days based on drinking 6 cups a day…
That is true… I was also considering just using the other 7 oz… or however many it would be for trades.
I actually thought about calculating that out.. hahaha…but it was just a guess:P
My biggest problem is that I really just want one cup of each…There are so many teas that I really want to try so sitting around with 250g-2tsp is a little it ridiculous:P
And wow…six..sounds like glorious days! :P tehehe.
If you guys are up for splitting, count me in! 250g is too much for me to drink by myself, but I’d love to have some of the Sleigh Ride, Spiced Fig, or White Chocolate Frost.
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