I have a few favorites. I like Daisy Chubb’s: http://www.daisychubb.com/
And Moods and Appetites is not always about tea, but, I find it an interesting read anyway: http://moodsandappetites.com/
I enjoy checking in on Rate Tea occasionally: http://ratetea.com/
Checking in on Rate Tea occasionally has lead me to check out this blog, written by one of the reviewers from Rate Tea: http://cazort.teatra.de/
and finally, I love the DevoTea: http://thedevotea.teatra.de/
Thank you for the mention. Even if it took me three years to notice! And I love your blog also.
MarshalN is probably the best, at least for puerh and oolong drinkers. I enjoy teadb.org, they are using written and vid blog styles together. Morningcranetea is a blog by American pottery artists who work with artisan tea kettle potters in Korea, and have a shared tea interest too. I also keep up with Crimson Lotus, they are a husband/wife couple who just started tea travels, I think they may be ones to watch. Hster’s blog is drily humorous, a nice read.
My favorite tea blog is: http://sororiteasisters.com/ – a wealth of detailed and incisive tea reviews.
I like that one too, especially because they spellcheck! I really dislike blogs that don’t. I can’t help it, I get distracted when it’s really bad like “more hotter”.
I have read that one occasionally.
I don’t really follow many, but I like the Oolong Owl.
I think I have like 30 tea themed blogs on my blog reader, I try to catch up on them once a week. Some of my favorites are Oolong Owl, The Snooty Tea Person, Tea For Me Please, TeaDB, My Japanese Green Tea, and Steph’s Cup of Tea.
I worry I might be missing some!
Thank you LiberTEAS for sharing my blog!
There are so many great tea blogs out there that it’s hard to pick favorites…so ask me another day and I may give you another answer…but today:
I love the Tea Urchin: http://teaurchin.blogspot.com/ and Life in Teacup: http://gingkobay.blogspot.com/
These two blogs seem to offer the most unique / insider info into Chinese teas, and they’re both deep but accessible. I especially appreciate Gingko’s personal approach on the Life in Teacup blog. She often has different opinions of how she likes to prepare teas, and they sometimes depart from conventional wisdom, and I find that my tastes and perception seem to match hers more than that of other bloggers. She also writes about topics that I find it hard to get info about anywhere else.
The Tea Urchin is just a beautiful blog. I love the writing and I love the photography. It infrequently updates but it’s worth going back to read the old posts. The photos are amazing and it goes into great depth about what is going on in Yunnan province, with Pu-erh production.
Which is yours? All of the links in her post are different from the one in your profile.
Oh, I also run SpontaneiTea (http://cazort.teatra.de) and RateTea (http://ratetea.com) which is not really a blog, I both run the site and write reviews there. I have too many blogs…I actually have three other tea blogs too, my old tea blog on blogger (which I abandoned because I didn’t like the direction blogger was going as a blogging platform), and Teacology, which is on Wordpress.
I follow way too many blogs to link here but you can see them all on my Blog Lovin profile:
on that note, I love the bloglovin platform! I find it great as I can check my blogs in one place, but moreso I just get one email a day with all my followed blog updates.
Lots of great tea blogs listed already!
With that said, I’ll mention one I found recently that I quite like – http://thedragonswell.blogspot.kr/ for the fantastic photos and Korean tea farm posts!
odd this is bumped up but there was no new post; maybe deleted? anyway, I like Steep Stories. I read a few others sometimes but that’s my favorite. I really liked the snooty tea blog but it’s not active now.
Check the first reply. Took me a while to find it too.
Somehow fitting that Robert Godden noticed after three years they’d mentioned his blog. I checked on Liberteas and they stopped blogging two years ago, in June 2015.
I think he was referring to http://sororiteasisters.com/ which Liberteas still writes at. But she’s also now the owner of 52Teas so I imagine that keeps her busy.
Oolong Owl, Cwyn, and The OolongDrunk are fantastic article based bloggers.
Scott from Yunnan Sourcing has been posting more frequently to his Youtube channel. Crimson Lotus started posting quite a few good videos, as does Farmerleaf on occasion.
Bitterleaf and White2tea take some of the best tea photos with active Instagram accounts.
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