2014 Season Recommendations, and investment teas.
2014 spring fresh teas are out, and most of us are drinking up new orders, trying samples, and evaluating what we might want to buy for future aging. Any great finds of this year so far?
So far I am enjoying the premium Dragonwell from Teavivre, still waiting on the Laoshan from Verdant Tea.
I think the 2014 spring Dragonwell from Royal Bay Tea is AMAZING. I’ve got a sample of Teavivre’s Dragonwell I haven’t tried yet so I’ll be able to compare them later.
On the topic of Dragonwells – I had a really fantastic one at the North American Tea Championship tasting – Firsd Tea’s Dragonwell. Best I’ve had, and I’m not a big dragonwell fan.
Just tried Mandala’s 2014 Da Fang, which is a similar tea to Dragonwell but not the same tree type. I have never tried a Da Fang before so I have nothing to compare it with.
Although I have had some, let’s say ‘interesting experiences’ communicating with Scott (the owner), Yunnan Sourcing’s Early Spring 2014 “Sun-Dried Buds” Wild Pu-erh tea varietal is pretty amazing. I’ve never had a Silver Buds Yabao tea before, but I am now sold on them.
Maybe this isn’t fair including these teas (as you need an agent to buy them or have to buy direct through Taobao) but this Golden Bud Dianhong from a seller on Taobao is not only beautiful but stunning in many areas, including its freshness and aroma: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.485.u6iNMw&id=38384944264 I’ve showcased it in two separate tea tastings (gongfu style) and it has been a hit with everyone. And I am guessing the price is about a third of what it would cost in the states.
My wife and I both love this Laoshan green tea as well: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-4312444675.32.kMrzbW&id=24334772087
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