Samples-Only Small TTB - DONE

177 Replies

I got the box today. My goodness, there are a lot of different teas in there!


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what’s the current weight of the box?

Cheri select said

I forgot you were tracking that. I should still have the receipt at home, so I’ll check tonight.

Maybe it’s stamped on the box. Marzipan?

Cheri select said

It probably isn’t. The box itself is also a little lighter than the weight would indicate because I had to send Marzipan a few things and I slipped them into the box.

Cheri select said

2 lbs 9.4 oz

Thats ok. Thanks

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I’m sending this out today. The weight is 2 lbs 7.7 oz. I have Randomlyfascinated’s address, just waiting for her name for the address label. I have to say, there are some strong smelling teas in there that have infiltrated much of the box. I can’t put my finger on which teas it might be (it’s not smoky, more strongly herbal) so I couldn’t remove them. But several of the teas I pulled out to sample all smelled the same, so I didn’t try them. Please remember to use good packaging on these boxes – not just regular thickness plastic.


Hello Sweetie – Butiki
Peach pineapple pizzazz – Cozyteacart
Golden Yunnan – In Pursuit of Tea
Pumpkin Spice Brûlée – Teavana
Caramel Oolong – Teasy Teas
Hung Zhi Xiang Phoenix Mountain oolong – Whispering Pines

Royal Assam – Golden Tips
Harmutty Assam – golden Tips
Sapphire Earl Grey – Novus
Acai Berry Pomegranate and Vanilla – Dilmah
Picnic in the Park oolong – 52teas
Sweet Dreams – Davidstea
Green Rooibos Key West – Adagio
Red Velvet Cake Mate – 52teas
Buttermilk Lemon – Tea Gschwendner

You actually tried hello sweetie;)?

My daughter did ;)

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Got the box today. Wow, so much in here! I am going to have to find a time to really look through it. It is awesome timing though because my husband left for a 2 week business trip and I needed a little encouragement today.

Have fun with it!

How’s it coming, did you get Carol who’s address yet?

Carol is on vacation this week.

This week as in July 27 – August 2 ?

She posted on pass the stash that she would be out the last week of July and last week of August.

Ok, she hadn’t told me. We’ll have to get back to her later. RandomlyFascinated please get Ost’s address when you can.

Oh, I thought that carol had messaged you. She messaged me asking if I could hold on to it. She said that she would be back the 31st. I assumed that she had already checked with you. I am done with the box, so I could send it on to the next person or hold on to it for a few extra days and send it out to carol. I did have some things I was going to send just for carol, but I can send them separate to her if I need to. Just let me know what you want me to do.

Ok, well if she’s going to be back on the 31st, it should be fine to have it in the mail tomorrow, the 28th, correct? If that’s the case then we’ll keep the order as is.

Well since she is only 1 state away from me I was thinking to send it out Wednesday so it doesn’t get delivered too early. I know the mailman left it on my front step and I wouldn’t want it to sit out in the hot sun or rain. Is that ok?


Ok I will send it out on Wednesday. I will post my list soon :)

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Ost said

You can hold onto it if you need. I don’t mind at all. (: a bit busy this week anyway. So no problem!

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Ok, I have it all packaged to send out tomorrow. Here is what I kept and put in.

I didn’t actually sample any of them yet because my intollerances are affected a lot by stress and I don’t want to have a reaction to a new tea from stress (I am under a lot of stress because my husband is on his first business trip and the kids are going crazy). But I am really looking forward to trying my samples!

Teas that I took a sample of:

Stash – licorice spice
Stash – red velvet
Teekanne – honey vanilla bliss
Simply balanced – tropical hibiscus
Tazo – wild sweet orange
Tazo – spicy ginger
Numi – fennel spice
Numi – broccoli cilantro
David’s tea – sweet dreams
Teavana – strawberry lemonade
Teavana – berry almond amaretto
Teasy teas – pumpkin cream rooibos
Adagio – foxtrot
Adagio – blood orange
Teasy teas – New England blueberry muffin
Zen tea – almond marzipan
Zen tea – evening lights

Teas added to box:

Zia’s – Casablanca fruit tea
Zia’s – Rooibos Masalia Chai
Zia’s – Oma’s Garden Fruit tea
(I got the zias teas at a local farmers market)
Teavana – Zingiber ginger coconut
David’s tea – Dr. Chocolate
Fiesta tea – lean green machine
Stash – Mango passionfruit
Stash – wild raspberry hibiscus
Tazo – focus
Traditional medicinals – gypsy cold care
Traditional medicinals – breathe easy
Bigelow – I love lemon
Bigelow – orange &spice
Bigelow – pomegranate pizzazz
Bigelow – lemon lift
Bigelow – cozy chamomile
Bigelow – constant comment
Bigelow – earl grey

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Ost said

I got the box from CarolWho todayyy
As an update. xD

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Ost said


Fantasy Island-Davids
Wuyishan Black-Steepster
Kenyan Tinderet-Davids
Vanilla Orchid Oolong-Davids
Lemon Chiffon-Red Rose
Harmutty Assam-Golden Tips
Royal Assam-Golden Tips

Tippy Yunnan-H&S
CTC Assam-H&S
Birthday Tea-H&S
Malibu Sonnen-RiverTea
Lemon Chiffon-Republic of Tea
Green Pineapple-Persimmon Tree Tea
Lotus-Persimmon Tree Tea

Will send the box sometime this week. Thanks forletting me participate! (:

OK, thanks. please do let me know the weight when you send it! :)

Did you send it yet?

Ost said

Oh goodness, sorry. Yes I did. Last week. Lemme check the weight. I have the receit somewhere in my room. Sorry for not posting. I’ve been busy. >< I messaged Albertocanfly and gave her the tracking number.
It was 1 pound and 8oz.

Wow it lost a pound!

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Albertocanfly, did you get the package?

Ost said

She just messaged me. She got it. ^^ So sorry about not giving the update, was super busy this weekend and last week. :/ Thank you so much for letting me participate!

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The box is on it’s way back to me now. Thanks for playing, everyone!

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