Just bumping the thread so it doesn’t get lost.
Kirlika- just looking for an update. Do you still have the box or has it been sent on. Thanks!
Sad that we’re almost six months out from when you sent it….
I know. This round is taking much longer than the first and second one.
She asked for my address 3 day ago. I sent it to her right away, but haven’t heard anything since.
Ok. Sounds like it is in the process of going out. I have a PM into Kirlika as well in case she doesn’t see the thread.
Well, I am afraid to say it, but the box might be lost. Last time I posted that the box was lost I got a msg right away saying it was found. So I am hoping that is the case this time.
I have not heard anything from Kirlika in quite a few days. There are no recent reviews in her tealog so I am assuming she has not been around. Does anyone know her – FB, etc – outside of Steepster to try to make contact?
I haven’t heard anything since she asked for my address 2 weeks ago. I was hoping that she had put it in the mail and just didn’t notify anyone. Hoping that it would just show up.
I’m a little busy for the next couple of days, but if we don’t hear from her – I’ll put a box together and mail it out over this coming weekend.
Oh no! Perhaps Jillian has a means of reaching her. Or since I am hoping Jillian has her full name, we might be able to find a facebook profile or some means of contacting her.
Yes I have her full name though I don’t want to put her contact info in a public forum so I can pm it to one of you guys.
I do not have FB or anything like that so I am not the best person for that job. If someone else involved is able to help out please make a post here. If not, Jillian, you can PM me her name and I can pass it on to someone else.
I have her contact info – I sent her the box in a previous round. Trying FB
ETA – I found what I hope is the correct FB account and I sent her a messages.
secretly dexter is hoping the box won’t be found so she has an excuse to make other ppl drink her tea….
I’m here.
I’m sorry guys but November blew up on me and with everything going on I totally forgot about the box once it was out to the side in the office so it wouldn’t get run over.
I’ve got it packaged and will be sending it out tomorrow, barring me having to take the car into the shop, again…
Also as a note I really have to say that over 1.5 kg of tea (90+ varieties) to go though is seriously overwhelming…
Ok the box is off to Dexter. Again apologies on the delay!
The good news is that I have a delivery card notification that the box is here!!!!!
The bad new is that I have a delivery card notification that the box is here – I have pottery class tonight and won’t be able to release it from jail until after work tomorrow. :((
Awesome, that was quick. Looks like Canada Post can get the lead out when they want to.
I rescued the box from jail tonight. All I have to say OMG!!!!
It’s more than a little overwhelming and the postage label says it’s more than 1.5 KG…..
Glad it got to you so fast Dexter! And chuckles, you think that’s a lot… I took out a whole bunch of bags that only had two or three servings in it!
Holy crap! That’s a load of tea! Must cost a lot for shipping!
Ubacat, it actually wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, just under $15
Hello tea friends,
As the curator of this travelling box, I do feel somewhat responsible for its safety and for ensuring it is travelling through the group in an efficient manner. This round has been quite slow in comparison to other rounds. It has been 6 months and only travelled through about 2/3 of the participants.
I would like to post a reminder of the rules of the box which are outlined in the original thread posting and were also outlined prior to the start of the box going out.
Please try to keep the box for no longer than a week. It is very understandable that life happens and sometimes it is not possible to get the box out that quickly. But I would like to point out that you can remove as many teas and samples from the box as you like so you can try at a later date when you have time.
I would also like to remind everyone that this is a travelling tea box and not a dumping station for all of the extra teas (that we all have). Replace the amount of tea that you took out but try not to overload the box. Please try to keep the box around 1 kg so that it doesn’t get too large. The biggest issue is it becomes expensive to ship. It will also make it less cumbersome to go through all of the teas.
Lastly, please keep this thread updated throughout the time that you have the box. If it is your turn with the box, it would be helpful if you could be active on steepster. It is stressful for myself and the upcoming participants to not know where the box is, but also to not get any response on the thread or through PM when looking for an update.
I am not pointing fingers at all. I just want to remind everyone the purpose of this box and make it flow easier and quicker through the group.
At the end of this round, like with all other rounds, I will be asking for feedback on what works and what doesn’t. Please make suggestions if you do not like how the rules work. I do not want to be a dictator but we also have to have some semblance of a plan for how the box moves around.
Happy sipping and happy holidays :)
I’m going to keep the box for a few more days, but I’ve been though it and sorted out the ones I want to try/keep etc. I will be adding some local teas that are good iced (Cornelia Bean does really good tisanes) even though it’s not really iced tea season.
I’m open to other requests if anyone after me would like anything from my cupboard.
Sounds good to me. Thanks for the update.
I’m after you Dexter. I see you have lots of Whispering Pines teas. I’d love to try some of those if you can part with any. I’ve already tried some (Cocoa Amore, Sleeping Bear, El Dorado Chai, River Rain, Golden orchid, & Cedar Ridge) If you have the new Golden Orchid blend I’d love to try that one too. I also love straight greens , oolongs & sheng if there’s anything you have you want to put in. Thanks for asking!
I don’t have the new Golden Orchid and the rest of the WP that I have are blacks, but I can toss some into the box. I have some sheng that I can add. I don’t really do straight green and the oolong I have is mostly dark, but I will see what I can do.
Ubacat- If you PM me your address I’ll send the box out over the weekend. Thanks
I sent a PM twice but it’s not showing up on my side as sent. It just disappears. Did you get anything?
Sorry – I hadn’t checked in for a bit. Yes I got both of them. Will let you know when I send it and PM you the tracking #. Looking for fun stuff to put in the box. :))
That’s a relief! I thought Steepster had swallowed it. ;-) Take your time.
Hi all – just wanted to let you know that I mailed the box tonight on to Ubacat. I’ve PM’d both her and Lala the tracking number. Should have it before NYE!!
Thanks! I shall get to enjoy it during the holidays!
Just received the box today on a Sunday. I can’t believe how big this box is. I know Dexter posted a picture of all the teas but , wow, this is HUGE!!!!
That was really quick, especially over the holidays. Enjoy!
Thanks Lala. I am enjoying going through the teas and at the same time get some of mine ready to go in it. Anyone have any requests? I can’t vouch for my cupboard being fully up to date but you can have a look.
I’ve got some oolong already packaged that I will be adding. One of them is the 99% oxidized purple oolong from Tealux that was on your wish list. I’ve got a few others I will add in too.
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