Tea alone or with buddies/family? Which do you enjoy more?
Yes I do, was on holiday last week and was still drinking tea whilst I was sat around the pool. There’s only so much pop and fruit juice you can drink and I don’t touch alcohol.
In answer to the question I’d love to share my tea with people but I’m around people who are “nothing wrong with tea bags” drinkers of our beverage.
I get more joy with work people wanting to try whatever tea I’ve bought with me that day.
I drink tea both with others and by myself, and enjoy both equally, although for different aspects. I love sharing tea with friends and family and they are always impressed with my massive collection, and probably think I’m slightly crazy lol. I love making tea for people and the best part is when I find a tea they love and request every time they visit, especially if they are not huge tea drinkers to begin with!
As for drinking tea alone, I find it a very relaxing experience most of the time, and I can truly appreciate the cup, the day, the moment. If it’s a really wonderful cup, I just feel at ease and amazed by the wonderfulness of the tea. Tea is my happy place, along with being at the lake and being outside in the garden. All of those things quiet my mind, and it’s the best when I can have tea and be either at the lake or out in the garden!
Lastly, I very much enjoy having a cup of tea with my boyfriend, even more so if it’s a new tea I am getting him to try (he really only likes white and green tea, and green oolongs) and he ends up enjoying it! This happened with his (and mine as well) first darjeeling lately, he actually likes a black tea now! I love watching his expressions when he’s trying new teas, and it’s so nice to be able to enjoy tea with him, I didn’t think he’d ever drink tea! But then again, a few years ago I wouldn’t have looked at tea either lol.
I’m thinking of a starting a Manchester Tea Appreciation Society for those who appreciate a fabulous brew in our amazing city. Could meet up, have a chat, swap teas, bulk buy orders and visit different tea shops.
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