Prepare Yourself for Free Tea! :D
Hey guys, who’s ready for a fun contest? :D
Here’s how it works…
Sometime between the 10 minute span of 7:00pm and 7:10pm Eastern Daylight Time on Monday the 12th, I will say “GO!” on this thread. The first order and the third order over $15 to come in after I make my posting will get a free ounce of Golden Orchid! :D
Who’s in?!
Shipping does not count towards your $15. Orders using coupon codes do not qualify for this contest.
Sorry, that’s more like a lottery than a flash sale. Usually I hear the term flash sale in regards to a sale that has a very short time frame and isn’t widely publicized.
I actually didn’t know the term flash sale was even a thing. Haha, always learning :)
Oh yes. Actually when a flash sale is happening, I’ve heard of companies having their servers crash because suddenly the site gets soo much traffic, especially when they discount 40-50%. I actually got really excited at the idea of a tea flash sale. ;-)
Missed it by three minutes.
It actually took a while to get to three orders! I was very surprised :)
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