Lots of Freebies from Just Organic Tea - Last Two Days!

With about 2 days left in our Kickstarter campaign, we’ve reached 280% of our goal, and all of our stretch goals! That means lots of free stuff for our backers. Now when you back our project at the $35+ level, you’ll receive all of these bonus rewards on top of whichever amazingly delicious teas you select:

*Four free samples of your choice!
*2 full oz. of our signature organic sugar!
*2 full oz. of additional tea of your choice!
*Access to 3 new community-picked flavors!
*And, if we hit $10,000, a random sample one-quart bag of our new top-secret iced tea blends!

Here’s the link to our campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/justorganictea/just-organic-tea-loose-leaf-tea-with-a-conscience

Thanks to all our backers for making these bonus rewards possible!

20 Replies

Congrats on passing your Kickstarter campaign’s goal! Good luck and wish you guys the best in your new adventure :)

Thanks so much!

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Cheri select said

I somehow missed this. I just donated to the kickstarter campaign. Woo! How exciting!!!

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Thanks Cheri – you rock!

Cheri select said

So do you guys!

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TeaLady441 said

Congrats on hitting your goal!

I ordered your samples but they won’t come in before the deadline so I might just wait until your store is set-up officially to get more… Or I’ll be impulsive and donate. Who knows? (I don’t… haha)

If you do decide to pledge, you can wait to choose your flavors until you’ve sampled them all. I sent you a sample of every flavor we have available (except the new flavors we’re developing on KS). Either way, thanks for spreading the word!

TeaLady441 said

Oh, that’s great! I wasn’t aware it worked like that, but based on the reviews I expect to really enjoy them!

Frolic select said

How can we order samples? I looked on your webpage but didn’t see an option. I just pledged but I’d love the chance to try some of them before I pick my flavors.

There was a thread a while back and they were offering some samples, but I’m pretty sure that it’s finished already

Frolic select said

I’ll just have to read other peoples reviews then :)

Yeah, I missed it as well so that’s what I’ll be doing! Luckily there’s only a handful of teas to choose from, not like the overwhelming number of blends from other tea places. Makes things much simpler :)

You could order the sample pack as a reward on KS if you like. I only had a limited number budgeted that I could send out for free. But, we would be grateful for your support!

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CK select said

Congrats, looks good. I couldn’t resist and pledged too :)

Thanks a bunch! We really appreciate the support!

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Cheri select said

Iced Tea bonus unlocked! Woo!


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So I know this may seem like a fairly dumb question, but this is my second kickstarter, my first receiving a tangible item (the other was funding a video project). How/when are we able to let you know which of the flavours of tea that we’d like?

After the KS ends, I’ll send you a survey that will allow you to enter your selections. Thanks!

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I just pledged. I’m based in Canada though, and I noticed you have the reduced shipping – how do I notify you about that once the KS is done? I pledged the full amount so was interested in getting the extra teas to compensate.

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