Anyone else have a significant other who just doesn't "get" the tea thing?
Try owning a tea business with a wife that doesn’t get it. LOL.
In all fairness, my wife loves our teas. She just doesn’t understand why I would get a degree in accounting and then start a business when I could be making a regular (and considerably higher) salary counting beans.
My husband doesn’t get it either… and refuses to drink it, even if I were to sweeten it with real sugar for him. In any case, the mister has a thing for this card game thing and historical board games and video games so I don’t feel so bad about my tea habit… plus, it’s reduced my cholesterol, kept me more hydrated and healthy… so he can just suck it up and deal!
I’ll admit that sometimes the “must get all the teas” makes me look like a crazy tea hoarder, but the traveling tea boxes are a godsend. Between keeping part of my stash at work and making sure more goes into a box than comes out, it’s really helped in keeping my stash under control – though that Teavana Heavenly sale (most of which isn’t logged in my e-cupboard) put a damper on things. I can’t resist a good sale (my downfall)!
Lance is finally starting to get it, Yay! He actually impressed my the other day when he started talking about some tea or another,I always assumed he never listened to any of my tea ramblings lol :)
Gentleman mostly prefers a standard PG Tips type cuppa, but I’m slowly introducing him to more interesting black teas, though he still makes blech-faces at a lot of my more exotic favourites. At least he’s supportive. I’m not sure he thinks it’s cool, but he respects my foodie, tea scientist nature.
my mom used to talk sh*t but then I started cold brewing…. she can’t get enough iced tea. that shut her up!
Family: What tea is good for (insert health benefit here)?!
My friends are better about it, but they keep a bit of distance – which I suppose is good because otherwise, they’d get wrangled into tea experiments constantly. My hope is that I find a friend who doesn’t mind. >:D
My sister does that to me all the time, Which tea is good for this and that or this
My husband, upon seeing the box from the 2nd 52teas Kickstarter campaign, said ‘Why do you need more teas? You have tons in the cabinet!’
Yet, he has over 30 Woot T-shirts.
My girlfriend gets/used to get headaches from caffeine (I’m pretty sure it was from an interaction with a medicine she used to take), and is a little bit xenophobic, so I thought I’d never get her to enjoy a cup of good tea. About a week ago though, I was brewing some yunnan black, and made her a sip in a mug with a touch of sugar. She loved it! And no headache either. The past couple of times that I’ve seen her she asked for a cup or two. I think I may have a convert on the way :)
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