I’m single and live alone, so i don’t have to worry about anyone judging my tea habit (except the mailman), but for those with SO’s who don’t get it, don’t worry. Things can change. After 60 years of marriage, my Dad just started drinking tea and is really getting into the different flavors. My mom who has been a tea drinker her whole life is shocked!
That’s a nice story to give me hope!
Normally I’m home from work before my husband but lately that darn postwoman is dropping off the packages so late. He raised his eyebrows yesterday with 2 packages in the mail. Today I beat him home before he could see a couple more. lol
Haha it’s the worst when you expect to be able to catch the deliveries before he notices and then your sneaky plans are foiled!
My boyfriend makes our AM tea each day, so he’s kinda into it. I am certain that he’d have a heart attack if he knew how much I spent on tea, so I keep some stuff on the DL.
I get the mail each day, so I don’t think he really understands the depth of the madness. :)
My husband doesn’t get it either, except I think he does appreciate that I have a hobby separate from him, but at the same time isn’t sure it’s a real hobby. He does make comments about my spending habits, but I usually win because he has much more expensive habits. ;)
I’ve tried to get him interested, but he’s always hot, so doesn’t like hot tea, plus he says it’s watery. He does seem to like iced teas, but I have to constantly remind him to drink some when I have it in the fridge.
And this is why I rely on steepster and my tea friends to understand the addiction. :)
Yes exactly, so glad for Steepster!
Although did Steepster create the tea monster or does Steepster just feed the monster….hmmm
Good question…I think for me, it fed the monster, but from a really early stage!!!
haha, it definitely feeds my tea monster! But I love that ever growing little guy.
My significant other THOUGHT he didn’t like tea. He’d only ever had the bagged lipton stuff. He was resistant to trying tea, but now? He’s becoming a very promising tea snob. (Ha!)
But seriously. Now has his own tea pot and a few teas of his own. Even bought me some the other day! :,) So proud~
My guy won’t even try tea. He drinks vats of coffee – but it’s not even good coffee; it’s the pre-ground stuff in a can from the supermarket. I got excited when he told me he’d like to cut down on his caffeine intake, but he refuses to consider any of the teas I suggested. He seems to think tea is part of my “California Health Freak” agenda (he’s a relative newcomer to my state), and a cup of tea will cause his masculinity to wither.
That’s funny. I need to get my hubby a shirt like that…. But I doubt it would make him give tea a chance. Sigh
Well luckily my boyfriend has a beard, which, according to him, automatically makes him the manliest thing ever. So he drinks and enjoys tea with no qualms. I think I may get him this shirt tho, for the hell of it. :)
My guy just “doesn’t like hot drinks”
Lol. More tea for meeee
This was me just a while ago. My boyfriend was trying to get me into tea or coffee. Still don’t know how I feel about tea. I like strong sweet flavours so I’m trying out a few different kinds. We will see what happens.
Try Della Terra’s dessert blends :)
My wife doesn’t get the tea thing either – if I offer to make her some tea its always PG Tips or Tetley. So I offer to make us a pot of loose leaf tea that even she would like and it just gets lost.
So I stick to drinking real tea
My son likes tea but looks at me funny when another box arrives. If he says anything, I will remind him that I will be dead soon enough.
My Husband supports my tea adventures. He trusts me to know his palate and make him a cuppa if I think he would like it but he would NEVER EVER make himself a cup of tea. Once, when I was feeling ill I asked him to make me a cup and he panicked, insisting he didn’t know how to make my tea. The poor gentle giant, afraid of leaves and hot water.
That is seriously cute! :)
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