Add a tea or search a tea for tea journal?
I wrote my first tealog, and messed up. I didn’t find the tea in the database, so created a new one. but lots of info or image I don’t have.
Do typically tea vendors add teas? As a reviewer/newbie, is it more suitable or easier to find teas already in the database to write about it? I just searched for dandelion root tea from Republic of Tea. not existant here.
@ligongsf, some retailers will enter their own teas, but most of the time, the members will do it. Not all retailers are on Steepster.
Also, If I’m not mistaken, you have to be a member for at least 30 days in order to be able to add to the database. Just FYI, you can just copy an URL for the image, once you click on add an image, it gives you that option. And you don’t have to fill in ALL the information, just do your best. Some other reviewers might update it later on, we all chip in, that the beauty of this community :-)
Let me know if you have a hard time adding one, I can do it for you…
@TheTeaFairy, thank you so much for your kind reply. It reinstalls my confidence. Now I am sipping houjicha, for the first time. I will upload it again.
I read your profile, you are a good English writer actually, very poetique:-)) is that the right French spelling?
You are welcome, and yes ”poétique” is spelled right, you were just missing an accent :-)
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