DAVIDsTEA Summer 2014

62 Replies
Jen M said

Iced tea promo: buy a travel mug, get $1 tea of the day iced tea all summer. Anyone know if that’s coming back?

It will be interesting to see how the 15% discount combines with the Frequent Steeper cards. Do I get my points on the original amount, or the discount amount? They’re already having issues at my local David’s with the system not working all the time, so I can’t imagine adding a second layer of discounting is going to go off without a hitch. lol. It’s not a big deal if their system is down, though; take a pic of your receipt and e-mail it to the FS e-mail account from your e-mail tied to your FS account. Points credited ASAP (had to do it once last week).

I can’t speak for the promo but I can answer your points question!

Points are rounded up. So as it’s $3.50 for a tea without a mug and $3.15 for a tea with a mug, you get four points regardless of how eco-friendly you’re being! :D

Sorry to hear your store is having issues with frequent steeper cards.

Jen M said

It’s not a big deal; I wasn’t all that upset. They told me they were having issues before trying to scan my card, then they tried a few times, said the system was down, and told me how to redeem my points anyway. Not a big deal! Did it while sitting at the table in the mall, using the free David’s WiFi :) heh.

I didn’t realize about the rounding thing! I should pay more attention :p haha

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Virginia said

Got samples for watermelon mint and sangria with my Online order. So psyched.

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Xombie said

Got samples for just peachy and mango fruit punch. Will try them both later this evening and post how they taste!

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My order from last week came with samples! https://www.facebook.com/TheOolongOwl/photos/a.517063994990577.124981.516160198414290/753192238044417/?type=1&theater
Watermelon Mint and Shoot star fruit! I’ll try and review them tomorrow, but uggg, wish they gave you more tea in the herbal samples as they are heavier teas so you don’t get much.

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@ligongsf said

hmm, it looks like they are all blend…summer is not good for pure teas?

I think people assume iced tea for Summer.

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Boom! Here’s my review of Shooting Star Fruit and Watermelon mint!
Watermelon mint was really good (iced and sweetened)

Tealizzy said

Nice! Thanks for posting! I wasn’t too excited about the summer teas, but now that I’ve read your review, I might try the shooting star fruit when I go in tomorrow!!

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Meg said

Ordered most of the teas from the summer collection last night. I bought the Watermelon Mint and Just Peachy (50g of each) and just once of the iced tea pitcher packs of Shooting Starfruit (I like starfruit but I’m not quite sold on this one). I didn’t bother with Mango Fruit Punch. I tried it last year and it was good, but not amazing. Wish they’d brought back the passion fruit one from last year!

I have to say, my favourite part of their new collections lately has been the teaware – I ordered the glass mug with the etched palm trees on it. Very pretty!

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