Oakland Chinatown
If all goes as planned, I shall be visiting here next weekend. Are there any good tea shops I should check out? I did look online, and the Golden Tea Shop sounded interesting. They don’t seem to have a website. What sort of teas do they have? And do they let you purchase less than 2 or so ounces?
I have never been to Oakland’s Chinatown, just SF’s. I know there are a few shops in Berkeley that have tea and there are a TON of shops in SF. I’d be interested to hear a report of your experiences there if you feel like sharing!
I haven’t been to Oakland’s Chinatown either (yet). While I like SF, I won’t be able to visit there next weekend. (Wish I could go to the SF Japantown, and see if they have anything interesting.)
I’ll go to the Golden Tea Shop and share what I find.
Last time I went to Japantown (they have my favorite crepes in the whole wide world btw), I wasn’t impressed with the tea selection. There was one shop that had some, but that was all I saw. They had a genmaicha for a decent price that I have yet to open. Kind of disappointing, since I expected more.
If you get a chance to venture into Berkely, The Pasta Shop has some Mariage Freres in bulk, even more options in tins AND it is right next door to Teance. 1780 Fourth Street, Berkeley.
No plans to visit Berkely, unfortunately. Wish I knew about Teance when I was there last year. Uh, what is their minimum? What do they mean by red tea? (It’s in the same section as black teas. I think of that as rooibos- “red bush”.)
Still looking for advice about Oakland, if anyone has some.
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