Japanese and Chinese green tea where to buy online?
Sorry if this is a repeat but I only have found some scattered old threads. Where can I buy quality Japanese and or Chinese green teas, at a reasonable price, either from an online store or on ebay? Thanks.
For Chinese teas I would recommend:
For Japanese teas I would recommend:
I’ve personally used each of those multiple times and have never had a problem, consistently great service. Plus fyi they all ship worldwide.
For Japanese greens I’d like to add Denstea.com
And if you have never ordered for them check out the amazing $3 including shipping green tea sampler http://www.denstea.com/bnew-to-dens-teab-c-377.html
I second Teavivre. They have excellent customer service, and the samples they provide are extremely generous.
My first shipment from Yunomi.us is on its way, but I’ve never heard of Yuuki-Cha. Thanks, Kitty!
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