Teas you can't stomach...

53 Replies
LuckyMe said

As much as I’ve tried to acquire a taste for it, I just can’t stomach black tea in any form or flavor.

The worst for me though are overly floral or fruity teas.

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Mikumofu said

Can’t stomach teas with honey already added to the tea blend. Lupicia Honey Melon was sadly the only Lupicia I didn’t like. Adding honey to your cup of tea after it’s been brewed, though, is perfectly A-OK…

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Dxniel said

I nearly threw up on 2 occasions when I had matcha tea. The tea tasted fine, but made me feel really sick. But I am pretty sure that I was to blame, not the tea, because I was having it on an empty stomach. The third time I had this matcha tea, I did so after having eaten. I didn’t feel sick at all.

I read an article some time ago on teavivre that is relevant to this topic: http://www.teavivre.com/info/drink-more-will-be-repercussions/

Hello.Kiki said

That was an interesting article for sure! Thanks for sharing!

Dxniel said

You’re welcome.

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Orphia said

Anything with hibiscus in it. I can’t stand hibiscus. It’s the reason I don’t really drink herbal teas; far too often I’ve picked up one that sounded nice, only to find that it’s got hibiscus in it.

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husky said

Jasmine…even the smell of it so nauseating, I can’t stand it.

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Hot Cinnamon Spice by Harney and Sons made me totally nauseated!

Uniquity said

Oooh, yes. Forgot about that one. Blech! Chamomile also makes me feel yucky, now that I think of it.

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Any thing with spearmint in it….it makes me feel like I am drinking a pack of wrigleys….bleh

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That is exactly how I feel after drinking lavender, earl grey, or strong jasmine flavoured tea… NAUSEOUS!! Blech.
(not the restaurant jasmine stuff, for the most part, they tend to water it down enough that between that and the food, I am usually unaffected. Also, jasmine tea leaves are ok. It’s only the oil I really react to, though I still find the tea offputting if it’s just the leaf)

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