Non-caffeine teas
Can anyone suggest any non-caffeine teas that have a good rich body like black teas? Most of my herbal and rooibos teas are nice but don’t have the body I’m looking for. I can only drink my favorite flavored blacks in the morning and I would like some stronger tastes in the afternoon and evening without the caffeine. I don’t particularly like the de-caf teas I tried but am willing to take suggestions. (Also think… not too expensive) Thanks!
I’m going to follow this, because I’m in the same boat as you…. Sometimes I just don’t want rooibos. :)
I need to try Hojicha and night and see if it keeps me up (same with Pu-erh)…. I’m sort of afraid of the testing, though. Lying there with wide open eyes at 3am is kinda annoying.
How about Marshmallow Leaf? I would not call it similar to black tea but it is different than your standard decaf, chamomile, rooibos, or honeybush options.
I haven’t been able to find much in the way of marshmallow leaf on Steepster. Can you recommend a place to get it?
We sell the Organic Marshmallow Leaf, Peppermint Patty, and will be adding our Birthday Cake version back very soon.
I couldn’t find it on your site. Can you direct me?
Oh no, looks like our plain Marshmallow Leaf was accidentally removed from our website. We do have it available though. Also, the Birthday Cake will be added hopefully by the end of the week. Here is the Peppermint Patty with the Marshmallow Leaf:
Thanks! The peppermint patty does look really good. The name, Peppermint Patty always reminds of the Charlie Brown character. :-D
BTW, it’s always a relief to find out I wasn’t just crazy that I couldn’t find it. I’m so internet-impaired (old) that I am always self conscious about asking for help. Everyone is always so nice! :D
peppermint patty is really tasty…and stacy’s always uber helpful and awesomesauce. i’m just going to follow her around and tell her that…
carol who-sorry to make you think you were crazy.
Sil & DeliriumFrogs-Awww. You guys are making me blush. :)
We do have the Marshmallow Leaf in stock. Hopefully, we can add it back with the other 7 teas we are supposed to have up this week.
Have you tried using extra rooibos leaves? I do that sometimes :P Also, I haven’t tried it, but I’ve heard that raspberry leaf tea tastes like black tea.
Carol, are you looking for decaf blacks or other blends?
I like the Harney decafs, the Vanilla Comoro and Midsummer Peach. I also recently had a Todd & Holland decaf Cinnamon that was quite full flavored.
I love this thread, I wish I had some evening teas that I looked forward to like I do the morning ones, but I always feel like I am settling.
That’s exactly how I feel about the evening teas! I’m just settling! I don’t always love de-cafs but I think maybe I should try them again. It’s been a while. I can get the decaf vanilla comoro pretty easily so that’s a start. (And if I don’t like it you know what’s going to be included in a little swap) :D I’ll update as I try out some other things. Oh darn, does that mean I’ll have to drink lots of new teas on this quest for a full-bodied evening tea? Oh heavens!
Yeah, I feel the same way as both of you. While I don’t dislike my evening rooibos, I feel like I’m settling (don’t let it know! it feels really self conscious about it….lol).
I haven’t tried any decaf black teas…I should probably give them a go.
Looking forward to your updates, Carol! (and it is such a SHAME that you have to try new teas… But you are SUCH a good sport about it… haha)
Since you guys feel like you are settling, what would be the perfect caffeine-free/decaf tea/tisane? What base would you use & what flavors?
Well, I still need to try your rooibos, Stacy… I have a feeling I won’t feel like I’m settling with that. Also, I have a feeling that your ‘birthday cake’ will be amazing, since ifjuly lists it as one of her favourite decafs (and that woman’s tea tastes are gold to me… haha)
DeliriumsFrogs-I think I’m bringing back that Birthday Cake permanently. Hahaha.
I’m asking from a product development standpoint. Would love to know what to make for our customers that would like to avoid or reduce caffeine. My issue is that I often try to make blends with either a decaf, rooibos, or honeybush base but then after tasting them, I’m like ‘meh’ but this would be amazing with X base tea.
Stacy, have you done any blends with green rooibos as a base? I’ve had some really nice green rooiboses with different kinds of fruit flavors, although I’d have to think harder about the specific flavoring I’d like to see. It seems like a lot of people prefer green to red, anyway.
I think for me, I miss strong black teas at night. Although, the caffeine free ones I have had taste off somehow. I get tired of rooibos and chamomile options, and a lot of fruity tisanes aren’t satisfying. I would love to have things like your raspberry truffle available as something I could drink at night.
greenteafairy-I have not tried making any blends with a green rooibos blend. I wasn’t very thrilled with the green rooibos tisanes that I have tried. Maybe I will give it another shot.
Marizpan-I would absolutely consider making another chocolate & X Marshmallow Leaf blend though maybe something a little different than our raspberry truffle. Maybe I could try something really confusing like an espresso flavored marshmallow leaf. That would be interesting.
I used to be totally decaf bc I am very caffeine sensitive (like I lay awake all night and stare at the ceiling too, lol) but I have figured out now that if I that white tea isn’t very high in caffeine, or at least it doesn’t keep me up, and there are some awesome Butiki whites that I drink in the evening when I get home from work.
A decaf black tea that I really like is Harney and Sons Decaf Paris, it seems to have a full body flavor and it is reasonably priced in my opinion. Also I tried a decaf vanilla from Simple Loose Leaf in a traveling tea box that was really good, but I think you have to have a subscription to them to get it. Good luck on your quest :)
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