Free shipping for steepster members
We are a newly established online tea store ( specialised in premium grade loose leaf teas from Taiwan. We will be offering free shipping for our first 20 customers from Steepster (exclusively). As well as the existing buy 4 samples and get one extra (randomly picked) for free.
Simply enter the promotional code at the last page of check out process: steepsterfreeshipspecial2014s
Please don’t forget to give us reviews on steepster and on our website. Please feel free to contact us should you have any feedbacks/suggestions.
Our online shop address:
Edited on 05 May:
There are few more free shipping spots left.
The tea review on AliShan High Mountain Oolong can be found here:
Many thanks for the offer of free shipping for us Steepsterites!
I have had a look at your site, and offer a few comments:
1. Nice site. Clean & clear.
2. Prices of the teas are on the high side. It would be good to have some “budget-friendly” options.
3. The price for 50g. should not be double the price for 25g. There should be a (slight) discount for ordering more.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Thank you for your reply and positive feedback on our website. We know the price of our teas may not be so “budget-friendly”, but we believe our price is very competitive for the premium market. Regarding on the 50g price, you are correct on the slight discount on 50g. We will definitely review the 50g price when the 50g comes available.
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