$5 - 4oz. premium loose leaf tea. BEST DEAL EVER.
www.myteaguys.com – best selection of tea guys best selling tea.
Practically giving away this amazing tea from Tea Guys. CLEARANCE.
FREE SHIPPING on order of $50 or more. Promo code: 50shipfree
If someone wants to buy these and then split half and half with me for $2.50 each two ounces and shipping (especially if you have really nice pouches to put them in), I’d be happy to send paypal to you. Two Guys can’t take paypal. I’m in NY (for shipping). Or if you aren’t interested in splitting any of these, I could take the whole tin. It would help you reach the free shipping!
I’d be interested in two ounces of these:
Caramel Chai Pu-erh (I could probably take the whole tin.)
Sweet Pumpkin Spice
Coconut Truffle
Early Grey Cream
Oolong Peach
Let me know!
It looks like they just sold out of the Sweet Pumpkin Spice. They went fast last time.
Or if someone wants to buy two of something and I get the second tin to get to the free shipping level? Anything works for me!
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