Which teas do you stock a ridiculous amount of???
I am coming to terms with my newly-discovered tea hoarding tendencies. I have obsessively ordered a LOT (and I mean a WAY lot) of a couple of teas because the thought of being without them makes me all squirmy and filled with despair. Here are mine:
Golden Fleece – Verdant. I have enough to absolutely wallow in and but I keep thinking, “ooooh there’s still some left, maybe I need to get just a little more to make SURE…”
Simple Dark – Mandala. The absolute embodiment of the entire genre of soul music to me. I have a BUNCH of this – squeeeeeee! This is my comfort tea. If shit is going wrong or I’m worried or have a looming huge day at work – this is where I go. It centers and grounds me like a really deep yin yoga session and kinda helps me sort the world into its proper order. I have an extremely stressful job. Most mornings recently, I have been making what I call my Mandala Face The Day Cocktail: A huge deep dark western style mug (HUGE) of Special Dark with a couple of big pinches of Black Beauty (hoard-worthy in its own right) steeped for like 7 minutes with a wee touch of honey and a few drops of half and half. Yeah, I know. But it makes me HAPPY.
Yun Nan Dian Hong Black Tea – Golden Tip – Teavivre This was a completely accidental hoard. But it was a happy accident. While exploring the golden dian hongs, I saw this and it sounded really good and probably hard to go wrong with. Especially considering the reviews of people who seem to have similar tastes to mine. While rooting around on Teavivre’s site, I got distracted and when I came back I opened another window for them. Apparently, I had already put two 50 gram bags in my cart and forgot that. In the other window I went ahead and ordered two 50 gram bags and it remembered the other two. So I have 4. I am not sad about this. To this I say “HOT DAMN!”
So there you have mine. I’m going to start another thread about teas you aren’t currently hoarding but will be soon or wish you were. What are y’all hoarding now??
haha Love it! I have a few too.
S’mores by Teaopia
When the company was closing up, the idea of not having this one just sent me into panic! HA! So, I ended up buying 1000g of this before it disappeared. It was 75% off, so it only cost me like $40.
Checkmate by DavidsTea
This one was discontinued so I had to get 250g of this one when I still had like 100g.
Tropicalia by DavidsTea
The perfect summer tea! Plus my husband loves it. Can’t go wrong there. probably like 350g of this one! haha
I have others that I only have around 100g of but I’m almost scared to drink them because they are discontinued. They include: Swampwater, Luscious Watermelon, Coconut Grove, Coconut Oolong, Cocomint, Strawberry Ginger… Those are a few that I can think of… lol
sweet almond teasy teas
caramel oolong teasy teas
plum rooibos teasy teas
lemon soltice the cozy tea cart
chen yen thai tea teavana
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