Another awesome story of David's tea's customer service!
So as most of you guys know, I’m blind. This means that I use screenreading software in order to use the computer. I’m signed up for David’s tea’s monthly newsletter and promotional emails, but was frustrated when the emails came to me loaded with graphic links that my software could not decipher. I wrote to them on their facebook page, and asked if there was any way I could get a text-based newsletter. They replied very quickly, provided me with an email address where I could send an email to request a text-based letter, and said they would forward the overall issue to the tech team to see if future newsletters could be made accessible from the get-go. I not only received April’s newsletter in an accessible format, but also all subsequent emails from David’s tea! The social media contact person even e-mailed me to confirm that I could read what I’d gotten.
I can’t tell you how impressed I am with their response. It is very true that more than remembering a company’s product, we remember our experience with them, and that, more than anything else, will determine our loyalty.
That’s awesome!!!
As much as I have been disappointed with some of their teas lately, I have to say that DAVIDsTeA really excels at customer service. They truly take the time to make sure their customers are satisfied.
Yeah, they really are. And it’s this amazing customer service (plus my love affair with a number of their teas) that will always keep me coming back and sniffing out additions to their collection. Plus omg the carry mug.
What a great story. Thanks for posting it. It’s easy to focus on the bad experiences, so I love to hear about a good one. Although based on this forum, it sounds like there are more good than bad tea companies out there which makes me happy.
And Katiek, you’re right—my experience has been overwhelmingly positive with the majority of companies. It’s such a hallmark of an excellent company when they care so much about individual requests like this. I think they (very wisely) understand that by making things accessible, they’re benefiting more than just the one customer.
I just posted the link to this thread on David’s Teas facebook page. It’s great that they helped you, and hopefully this will ensure they continue to improve their accessibility online.
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