Tea-Themed Decor
I needed a way to express my budding obsession with tea, so I created this series of teacup icons based around different tea types: black, green, white, pu’erh, oolong, yerba mate, herbal, and rooibos. They’re now on mugs and rugs and things at Society6, so visit http://society6.com/DanaMartin if you’d like to see them. I hope my fellow tea obsessors get a kick out of them.
I put this in the promotion section because through April 13, you can get free shipping and $5 off each item if you use this link:
(There are some other types of imagery inn there too, but the tea stuff is on the top of the page, easy to find.)
The rug is cute, but white? Eek. Can it be done on a different color background? I would be afraid to walk on it.
You bring up a good point. I can try some grays; the problem I was running into was that with so many different colored icons, at least one of them would not show up against a colored background. Was there any design in particular that you would like to see in gray?
That’s a cool idea! See http://society6.com/DanaMartin/Teacups-Mushroom-Background_Rug#36=288 Is that sort of what you were thinking, or did you mean something more brownish?
That’s cute! Is it available with the picture of the eight cups that are labeled?
Oops, sorry about that! The price is based on the size of the rug and I think I accidentally sent you the link for the largest rug size. I was fiddling with them to see how the design looked at different sizes and didn’t realize it changed the link address.
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