Favorite Websites for Herbal Tea?
A lot of the websites that seem to be popular here have pretty limited selctions of rooibos/herbal tea, which is all I drink. Does anyone have any recommendations for herbal tea websites. Currently I’ve only ordered from Adagio.
Tealux seems to have plenty of herbal blends. 7th Heaven is one of my favs. It’s a lapacho tea. I want to try out some of their wellness & herbal blends on my next order.
Fusion (www.fusionteas.com)
Davids (www.davidstea.com)
52Teas (www.52teas.com)
Della Terra (www.dellaterrateas.com)
Not all my favourites, but often recommended around here.
I should have waited until I had some money before I asked this. lol
Mountain Rose Herbs (www.mountainroseherbs.com) has quite a large selection of herbal teas, many, but not all, of which are medicinal. Rishi tea (http://www.rishi-tea.com) has an herbal tea section of their website. Mendocino Tea Company (http://mendocinotea.com) has a few herbal teas, but I find all their blends to be good.
I haven’t had many of their teas, but I have enjoyed all the herbals I’ve tried from http://herbalinfusions.ca/
Butiki has some good herbals, especially the Lavender Chamomile and Citrus Dream (try it iced!).
I am still enamored of Della Terra’s cream flavoring. All of their citrus & cream rooibos blends are yummy – Lime Chiffon, Lemon Chiffon, Oranges & Cream, and Lemon Lime Cream Tart.
Mahamosa has a nice variety. Della Terra has fewer, but some very nice choices including the ones Kaylee mentioned.
I too am always on the look out for a site with a great selection of fruit tisanes and herbals. I have yet to find a place that WOWs me though.
Here are some resources that I don’t think have been mentioned yet:
Upton Tea http://www.uptontea.com/shopcart/toc.asp?parent=Teas&child=Miscellaneous
New Mexico Tea Co http://www.nmteaco.com/herbaltisane.html
Zen Tea http://zentealife.com/tea/type/herb-fruit.html
Chado Tea http://www.chadotea.com/index.php?cPath=35
ESP Emporium http://www.espemporium.com/c-9-herbal-tea.aspx
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