Try Simple Loose Leaf's Selection Club for $1. (Sorry the deal has ended.)
Hey Steepster-ites,
We thought that you might like to know about an April deal we are doing. For the month of April we are letting people try our Selection Club for just $1.
Use the discount code 1DOLLARMONTH to get your first month of the ongoing monthly plan of our Selection Club. (P.P.S.S.) Another option is that you can use 1DOLLAR3MONTH to get the first month for $1 of the 3 month ongoing plan and the other 2 months at standard rate.
We are also opening the club to you Canadians that are interested in joining our tea of the month club. There is a $5 shipping charge to cover the international shipping. So I guess Canadians can try the club for $6… Sorry, Canada has some expensive shipping.
Feel free to ask anything you can think of.
P.S. And you can preview the menu here:
ooooh man. exciting! will have to look at this on the weekend :)
Awesome. If you have done tea of the month clubs before, I see your Select badge, this will be a new experience. I would love to know your thoughts when you take a look at it.
Yeah, i’ve done a few tea of the month clubs. I’ve had a couple of your teas through swaps now and they’ve been super tasty. I’ll take some time this weekend to see, now that you’re offering to Canada :)
How easy is it to either cancel/switch to the 3 month option after the first promotional month? I’d rather not do a month to month at the higher price – so the 3 month option would like be what i’d lock into.
It is very easy. Most of our club members do the 3 month plan. So switching is no issue and we even encourage it.
Give this a try. It will give you the first month for $1 and the other months will be the standard rate.
That’s awesome. Thank you!
After this promotional month is over, what will the regular price for Canadians be? $20?
Hey thanks. That depends on the plan you select. Most of our members are doing the 3 month plan which gets the price to $45 every 3 months ($15/month). For Canadians there is a $5/month shipping charge. So if you do the 3 month plan the cost would be equal to $20/month or $60/3 months.
Hope that helps.
I was given a 3 month gift subscription (waiting for that first box…any day now!) so I’ll miss out on this deal.
You know you can always order 2 boxes of tea. OR tell your office manager about it. Get some office tea!!!
I would love to get it in the office, but I also know they’re cutting costs like crazy, which is why I bring my own tea in.
Yeah, I can understand that. But maybe they would give it a try for $1 and then fall in love with it. You know, master plans have to start somewhere.
This is exciting, I look forward to trying this and reviewing your tea on my blog…even my exceptionally broke self can afford a dollar!
Speaking of blogs, would it be ok if I posted this deal on my blog and tea group I manage on Facebook? If it is just for people on Steepster I completely understand :)
I’m not entirely clear by reading through the information how many different teas come, and how much of each?
Each month’s menu has 5 different teas on it. And each tea will be between 1 and 2 oz. Each month you can select to get 2 of the teas, gets you between 2 to 4 oz depending on the teas, or you can choose to get a half weight sample of all 5 teas, 1/2 to 1 oz per tea= ~3 oz of tea.
Hope that helps.
The way I understand it is, every month you send me a list of 5 teas. On that list will be:
a traditional green (straight green or lightly flavored)
a traditional black (straight black or traditional flavored)
a white tea (straight white or flavored white)
an oolong OR a pu’erh (any oolong or any pu’erh)
a flavored tea (sky’s the limit – any flavor)
From that list I can choose to receive any TWO of my choice OR a sampler of all 5.
If there was a month that the flavors/types were not to my taste (I can be fussy with flavors and I don’t drink green)- is it possible to choose TWO of the same tea. For example: instead of choosing the traditional black and the flavored could I choose to get two packages of the traditional black? (I understand that they would be two packages of the same tea).
You got it and yes. We have had several teas that were selected twice by multiple folks.
Thanks for the info. One more question..
Can I choose the all 5 sampler as my “default” selection?
March’s selection as an example :) [Below is a button that will take you to a short form that allows you to tell us what your tastes and preferences are. With this form you let us know what types of tea you would like us to send you each month if you don’t make a selection.]
?? it says that in the questionnaire you chose which two categories are your default.
“With this questionnaire you decide which 2 categories of teas you would like to establish as your “Default” selections."
LOL Those actually look great. I like the look of both March and April. I would have ordered all 5 in April, and maybe a 2nd box.
(Why am I looking at this? I don’t need more tea….)
what confuses me more than anything…is that it appears you can also purchase from the site? but i thought that was a no no?
Dex, we don’t have the sample pack as a default option. When we started out we had that as the default option but we found that it left us with a lot of uncertainty when it came time to send out the packages. And we want members to be active in the club. That said if you want to make that selection every month then cool.
And the default selection/preferences are only there is you don’t want to make a selection/you forget to make a selection.
I hope this helps.
Sil, yeah you can order from the site. We use the retail side of the site for if members want to purchase more of a tea they get. And it is a carry over from how we used to do our club. If you’d like I can explain what we used to do but it was just a more complicated version of what we are doing now.
I thought so too, but it says:
Simple Loose Leaf is now also offering our tea catalog for a more traditional audience. Our catalog will consist of teas that Simple Loose Leaf has in stock right now, to insure efficient ship times, but for every 1 lbs. of tea our customers purchase Simple Loose Leaf will add a new tea to the available catalog.
Wonder what shipping would be like? Would love 1/2 oz of the Blackberry Sage. Normally shipping isn’t worth it for small orders.
haha thanks SLL – no need to explain…just know that there are couple teas that i’ve had from swaps tha ti’d love to get my grubby little hands on again, so i may need to go that route too lol
Shipping is a flat $3 at the moment. It only takes a few days to ship the teas out if you order retail. We have the store but to be honest, there are other AMAZING retail tea companies that are doing it right. We can’t bring the kind of value to that market place that makes it worth it for you and us.
But on the tea of the month side. We have something pretty cool.
Shipping is a flat $3 at the moment. I did assume when you posted this that it was 3.00 for US orders. Your checkout isn’t set up for Canada. So we can do the subscriptions, but not order from the catalog? Are you looking at changing that? or Just US at this time?
Yeah, sorry. Shipping to Canada is right at $8 cost. We just opened up the Canadian option. We haven’t gotten the retail store switched to allow international shipping. So cost would be a flat rate $8 I am pretty sure.
8.00 flat shipping is cheap :)) So you are planning to open it up for international orders in the near future…. LOL I was just looking through the catalog and a few caught my attention. Would you let us know when it’s been opened up? Please….
Yep, I just totally went with it. A 3-month plan, too. Because I can always get yet ANOTHER tote to store my teas in, right?
insert insane i’m-high-on-oolong laughter here **I just signed up for the same…. I have a bit more room on my shelf so I have room for it! I’ll have to re-evaluate after my subscription is up to see how quickly I can drink it down but I’m excited.
I’m glad to see that some people are signing up for this … I LOVE this company! They’re wonderful! They treat their customers well, and their teas are good too!
Thanks for the support. You have been with us from the start. And it means a lot to us.
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