I would love to join! Fun!!!
Oh man, this sounds like fun! Count me in as long as I don’t have to pay a billion dollars to mail it to timbuktu :)
Great! Shipping will be reasonable. :)
Wow! What a great idea! There are so many teas that I haven’t tried. And this would be a great way to try out different types. I’d love to do this TTB!
I am so totally in. There will be some non-black teas too, yes?
Absolutely, there will be plenty of other teas. I will make sure there is a good variety.
Would you guys be interested if I came up with a list of questions that might help hone in on some similarities and differences in each tea/region? I could also post a tasting sheet, to show you how we evaluate tea. This is if there is an interest.
Example of questions might be: What are some similarities with all Darjeeling First Flushes (tasting notes, mouth feel, leaf appearance, liquor appearance, etc)? How are they similar & different from second flushes? How are they similar & different to Assam black teas? How are they similar & different to other black teas from regions outside India?
Heck yeah! (Look at me all not swearing like a sailor). Now you’re just setting us up to geek out over the box :-) I’d love to have something like that. And it would be really cool to see what your tasting sheet looks like!
I would be interested in learning more about teas and think the questions would be helpful.
Kaylee-Well, the tasting sheets we have are more for when we do tasting lectures. We used to have this awesome database that had like 30 different data points. Made it very helpful to compare teas and search for specifics. Then when we upgraded computers, the database wouldn’t work anymore. Was so annoyed, that I just jot everything down in composition books now.
Carol who-Great. :)
oooh! that would be like a class! It’d be brilliant!!
I’d love to be part of this. I’d prefer to mail within the US if possible.
Stacy is letting me oversee this box so I’ll be making a new thread for this sometime tonight with rules and whatnot.
Everyone who has posted here to this point has been added to a potential participation list (including any Canadian folk – though I’ll need someone willing to ship over the border for that).
Ideally I’d like to keep the list of participants around 15 or 16 for the sake of keeping it manageable. So depending on how many more people express interest, I might be randomizing the list of names to get a final list. Just a heads up.
I’ll probly close the list on Monday or Tuesday to give people a chance incase they haven’t seen the thread(s).
I’d love to join! Great idea
I’d love to join too, but I’m kind of late to the party!
Last person could post a thread to all those included in the box to find out who liked what teas best…then whatever is left can be dispersed to those loving that particular tea….postage could be done via paypal, so it wouldn’t be too expensive….but it might be cheaper than sending the box on to someone else!
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