Your Best Tea Bargain EVER?!
I think almost everyone has that story where you can’t believe the price you got for your tea. Well here’s mine.
I’ve been faithfully saving up my frequent cup points on Adagio for that past couple of months, and I finally made it to 150 so I placed an order today.
Green Rooibos Bonita, 3 oz $7
Rooibos Lemon Cloud, 3 oz $6
Green Rooibos Bluebery sample $2
Shipping $3.75
Total: $18.75
Then I used my discounts. The 150 frequent cup points got me a $15 gift certificate so
Original Cost: $18.75
Gift Certificate: -$15.00
Share $5 certificate code on Facebook: -$0.75
Share order on Facebook: Rooibos earl grey sample added to order
New Total: $3.00
PLUS my bank has promotions every month where you get cash back for buying from certain businesses. Adagio was on the list of businesses today, so I’ll get an addition 10% cash back. New Total: $2.70
Whew! I can’t believe it!
What was your best deal?
Earlier this year I bought a 50g tin of oriental beauty on Amazon for £6.54. The same item retails for £24 on the tea company’s website, so it was almost a 75% savings for me! Score! probably the best priced website I’ve ever bought from though the delivery charges can be a little hefty. You do get excellent value though/
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