Simple Loose Leaf | Calling all Canadian bloggers!
Hey you crazy Canadians,
We are looking for some Canadian bloggers that would be interested in getting a few free months of our Selection Club. You can check it out here:
We are going to start offering our Selection Club to Canadian residents and would like to find some bloggers up there to share in the experience.
I don’t have a blog, aside from my Steepster page, but I’m excited to hear you’re testing us out. :D I’ll keep an eye out for updates!
Hey Cavocorax. Yeah we are going to announce the availability of the Selection Club to Canadians as soon as we have our menu assembled for this coming month.
Steepster is my blog. le sigh Looking forward to seeing what’s coming though
I have my own blog, and I have written a post or two about tea, but does that count? I mainly do book reviews.
One of the books I plan to review soon is the one about tea published by Camellia Sinensis, so might that count?
Yeah maybe. Would you mind emailing me your blog? [email protected]
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