Need HELP with steeping of Laoshan Black!
i have one of these: I have a teaspoon. I have a timer. How do i make this tea??? help?
I don’t think you need any measurement tools or timer… LB is ridiculously easy to get right… at least for me it is. a bunch of leaves, very short steeping time (like 10seconds) and it’s ready… XD
the instructions on the package say 3-4 grams (???) of tea…. then i looked on the website and it says 1T (large T means tablespoon) will work, but that might be a typo because most teas are measured by teaspoon…. I don’t want to get this wrong cuz it might put me off the tea, and everyone seems to love it.
I’d say 1T sounds about right… but I brew in a cup and your vessel seems way larger than that.
I brew LB western style most often. anywhere from 1tsp to 1 tablespoon for 8oz and let it steep for 3-5 mins depending on how i feel. I’ve done gong fu sessions with it, and just prefer the no fuss, no muss, western brew style.
IMO, don’t stress about getting it “perfect” dive in, try it according to the website and see where it takes you. Ignore the package directions, those don’t change according to the tea – you’re better off following the website. LB is pretty forgiving at least from my perspective…
Not to mention that not going through resteeps must help you control the amount of tea you are accumulating, right ?:)
i resteep a lot of my teas actually lol Flavoured ones, not so much but my straight teas, yes. LB i can resteep a couple times, even brewing it western. I just don’t like brewing it gong fu style since to me, it tastes better western brewed. :)
i’ve never had good luck with resteeps, so I’m sure there’s something I’m doing incorrectly (or the Finum doesn’t lend itself to resteeps for some reason) Ok, I’m going in, with imperfection and wonderfulness expected! thanks everyone!
as mentioned by others, LB is notoriously forgiving (at least in my experience)—i usually go with a loaded teaspoon (probably like 1 1/2 teaspoons really) for 8oz water, boiling, 3 minutes, and yes, resteeped over and over even though i’m notoriously picky about resteeping (a lot of black teas most steepsters seem to like resteeped i still find weak/disappointing upon second steep, but LB isn’t one of them).
the weighing vs. volume thing is common—it just gives you different options (tea nerds often like to weigh because it’s much more precise, especially when you get into the fanciest grades of loose leaf with their extremely fluffy, long leaves that are hard to pile into a spoon evenly). and the tablespoon isn’t a mistake—i use that much sometimes for this as well as other teas—it just gives you more flavor and often makes resteeping satisfactorily more of a guarantee (and is more often recommended when the leaves are hard to fit into a teaspoon, to guarantee you’re getting enough in there). also, some people like to brew their tea kind of in between western and gongfu-style, where they add more leaf than usual and steep shorter times over and over (i do this sometimes).
but yeah, in short, LB is a forgiving, easygoing tea. don’t be afraid to play around with it to suit your tastes.
ok, i drank the Laoshan black this morning….review posted…. but it’s not like the others…. I’m still surprised and laughing….
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