The Tea Company
I like the look of their site, and they have $2 samples and free shipping which is appealing, but I can’t find any reviews of their tea on here. Does anyone have experience with them?
Huh, never heard of them. After my bad experience with a fake tea company I’m a little paranoid. Their “About Us” section kinda gives off a red flag, so I would be careful.
Yes, every tea I’ve tried from them is astoundingly amazing, I didn’t get around to writing any reviews yet, but rest assured, they are legit.
Never heard of them. From the looks of the web site I would guess located/shipping from Ontario. What I don’t like is the lack of contact info – no email address or telephone number – only the “contact us” forms on the web site. Samples are 2.00 with free shipping – order a couple, use Paypal and hope for the best. It’s pretty cheap, not really too much to loose.
I have dealt with The TeaCupany (similar name but different) – they are out of Vancouver. They also have cheap samples and I’ve always gotten good customer service….
There are TONS of great companies out there, you just have to find the ones that YOU like….
Never heard of them before. Will definitely have to check it out :)
They appear to be a reseller of Art of Tea blends. I haven’t seen a blend on their site that I couldn’t find from Art of Tea (who actually is a blender).
Now, in this case if they have teas you are interested it probably couldn’t hurt to try. Art of Tea offers larger samples (5-7 cups) for $4 (the $2 samples from this place are 5g, probably 2-3 cups), but not free shipping on them.
It’s worth noting that they never claim to blend their own teas, but say that they “strive to find the best teas and offer exquisite blends.” Which is admirable, because so many resellers actually claim that they blended the teas themselves!
I placed an order with them a couple of weeks ago for samples. It’s not here yet, and I was concerned, so I sent an email to their customer support (there is an email I got in my confirmation email, but it’s not posted generally on the site.) I received a reply back fairly quickly and they assure me my teas are on the way. I’ll let you know when they get here.
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